Javlin's SysAdmin Course Proposal - JavlinInformatics/sysadmin GitHub Wiki
We @ Javlin are working continuously to help students broom their technical skills. Currently we are focussed on creating rockstar SysAdmins.
To know more about us please watch this short video. And follow us on facebook for regular updates.
Here's the Linux SysAdmin Course Outline:
- Linux: Introduction
- Installation of Linux OS
- Understanding Booting, Login & GNOME desktop
- Managing using graphical tools (System-Config tools)
- Basic Unix commands - Files and directory handling
- Users and groups management
- Linux Security: Basic & Advanced
- File system management: partitioning, formatting and mounting
- Logical volume management(LVM)
- Understanding Linux Virtualization: KVM
- Configure network connectivity
- Software management : RPM, YUM, DPKG and APT-GET
- Updating Kernel and managing GRUB bootloader
- Configure Printer & CUPS Server
- Scheduling jobs in Linux using: Cron and AT
- Managing services – daemons
- Configuring SSH service
- Configuring DNS server: BIND
- Configuring file server: NFS with AutoFS
- Configuring FTP server: vsFTP
- Configuring NTP Server
- Configuring CIFS/Samba (SMB) server
- Configuring webserver: Apache HTTP
- Configuring Email server: Postfix, IMAP and POP3
- Authentication with LDAP and Kerberos
- Security using Firewall
- Security using SELinux
- Introduction to Bash scripting and tools
- Monitor system resources and logs
- Linux Troubleshooting: Boot, GRUB and Filesystem problems