Submitting useful bug reports - JavaJens/TextSecure GitHub Wiki
First, thank you many times over for taking the time to file a bug. For the report to be most effective, we've noticed the following characteristics help us get to a solution the fastest:
Example issue
Whenever a commercial about food comes on the television in the other room, my push messages jiggle in the conversation list for a couple seconds.
Device info: Nexus 4, stock android 4.4.2, TextSecure 2.0.8
App state: Push registered, incoming SMS disabled, outgoing SMS fully disabled
Debug logs:
Device and app information
- What's your device?
- What Android version is it running?
- What version of TextSecure do you have?
App state
- Are you push registered?
- What are the relevant preferences that you have set that may be related to the issue?
- If this is a bug involving a second party, what's their device/app info and app state?
Raw debug info
- Submitting debug logs with your issue is by far the easiest and most helpful way for us to help get to the bottom of whatever's being annoying.
- Screenshots and even small gifs/video can be helpful if the problem is visual and difficult to describe.
How to capture data
Debug logs In the settings menu at the very bottom of the list, there's a "Submit debug log" button that will generate a link to paste in your issue.
adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screencap.png && adb pull /sdcard/screencap.png
Video capture (only for Android 4.4 and up)
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/screenrecord.mp4
then pull it from the device. If you have ffmpeg and imagemagick, you can quickly convert to gif with:
ffmpeg -i screenrecord.mp4 -r 10 screenrecord%05d.png convert screenrecord*.png screenrecord.gif rm screenrecord*.png