Walkthrough Hell Bent for Latex - JasXSL/sexticuffs GitHub Wiki

Imp Brothers

  • If you have a vagina, focus on Impo first. Otherwise kill Impicus first.

The Gatekeeper

  • Use a mitigation ability such as Taunt or Ghost Strike when he charges a grapple.

The Succubi

  • Don't attack them when they are affected by Stunning Aura.
  • Save up a buffer of gems and use it the turn after Stunning Aura fades and they're affected by Frailty.

The Pit

  • Use a mitigation ability when a tentacle tries to grapple you.
  • Only kill tentacles. Ignore the pit itself.


  • Use tentacle suit when Yoggoth charges an attack.
  • Tentacle suit fades after 5 ability uses.
  • Save gems and play as many abilities as you can the turn after Yell of the Old finishes.

The Jailor

  • Use ranged abilities if possible. Use confess after 2-3 stacks of Torture. Masochism can be good here.

The Butler

  • Bring Purify and Taunt.
  • Conserve gems so you can deal with his mechanics.
  • Use purify on magic spill.
  • Taunt the horny patron before using Service Client.
  • Kill unwashed dishes.


  • Bring Heal, Taunt and Purify.
  • Make sure none of his minions die.
  • You can heal his minions if they get low on health.
  • Hit castor with a normal attack when he charges heal.
  • Taunt shiv when he casts violate.
  • Purify Aphrodisiac when Shivv casts drain.

Demon Queen

  • Bring Heal
  • Save all blue gems
  • Use struggle 3 times when you get grappled. Doing so grants you a single use of Demonic Strike.
  • You can destroy Brutus' armor in the mean time, but don't start attacking his health.
  • Gain 3 stacks of Dark Infusion, allowing you to use Demonic Strike 3 times while stunned.
  • Start attacking Brutus until the queen stuns you.
  • Use Demonic Strike 3 times to kill him. This will cause the queen to surrender!


  • Bring Purify
  • Bring a mitigating ability, like Taunt or Shadow Strike
  • Purify shackles
  • Mitigate when Satinan charges Decimate.
  • Save some offensive abilities for Volatile Imp. Kill it as soon as it spawns.
  • Keep in mind Demonic Shackles might cause you to not have taunt when you need it if you have Demonic Shackles on you.
  • During the second phase, this is more important as Decimate will instantly kill you unless mitigated.
  • During the third phase, you'll have 5 HP and don't generate gems. Just let him kill you and you'll move into the 4th phase.
  • During the 4th phase you'll have 3 rock abilities. Make sure you always have at least 2 gems of each color. Satinan will play an ability on you. Hover your cursor over the effect to see which ability counters it. Play that ability to prevent yourself from dying. Keep doing it until Satinan Dies!