RP Tags - JasXSL/sexticuffs GitHub Wiki

Here is a list of all current RP tags you can use in texts. Replace x with A for attacker or T for target

  • :xNAME: - Name
  • :xRACE: - Species
  • :xBREASTS: - Breasts, based on breast setting. If no breasts, returns a synonym for breasts.
  • :BUTT: - Synonym for butt
  • :xPENIS: - Penis, based on settings. If not present, returns the same as :CROTCH:
  • :xVAG: - Vagina, based on settings. If not present, returns the same as :CROTCH:
  • :xCROTCHEX: - Vagina, penis, or crotch based on the setting
  • :CROTCH: - Crotch, groin, etc
  • :xBTAG: - Random body part based on the character's bodytags
  • :xHE: - he/she / Custom pronoun
  • :xHIM: - him/her / Custom pronoun
  • :xHIS: - his/her / Custom pronoun
  • :ABIL: - Ability name
  • :xCLOTHES: - Clothing name or "clothes" if not set