Condition - JasXSL/sexticuffs GitHub Wiki

Condition is an es6 class in Sexticuffs. It's used here and there to limit information. Such as texts and abilities, but even campaigns.

Here is a list of conditions that can be used. Keep in mind they don't all make sense everywhere. Such as punishing a member of your team never occurs.

Conditions are prefixed with Condition.

Const String Rep Arguments Descriptions
SELF SELF void Victim is attacker
FRIEND FRIEND void Victim is same team as attacker
ENEMY ENEMY void Victim is not same team as attacker
TAGS TAGS (str)tag1, (str)tag2... Has ANY of these tags
ABILITY ABILITY [abilityid, abilityid...] text condition only
MISS MISS void text condition only
NOT_TAGS NOT_TAGS tag1, tag2... Has NONE of these tags
RACE RACE id1, id2... Race is ANY of these. Uses id
HUMANOID HUMANOID void Target is a humanoid
BEAST BEAST void Target is a beast
STRONGER_THAN STRONGER void Attacker is stronger than target
WEAKER_THAN WEAKER void Attacker is weaker than target
LARGER_THAN LARGER void Attacker is larger than target
SMALLER_THAN SMALLER void Attacker is smaller than target
MANA_GREATER_THAN MGT [{offensive defensive
SIZE_LESS_THAN_N SLT (int)amount Target size is smaller than N
BP_LESS_THAN BPLT (float)percent Battle points (hp+armor) less than percent of max
PC PC void Victim is PC
TEAM_PLAYERS_LESS TPlayersL (int)n=4, (int)team = attacker_team Validates if the team has less than n players
EFFECT EFFECT [(str)id1...] OR (str)id, (int)min_ticks = 0, (int)min_turns_left = 0 Player has an effect. min_ticks is minimum amount of turns the effect has been applied for. 0 when applied immediately, 1 upon player turn start
NO_GRAPPLE NO_GRAPPLE void Neither attacker or target are involved in a grapple
TEAM TEAM (arr)teams OR (int)team Team has to be this
TOTAL_TURNS_GREATER TTG (int)turns OR (str)math Total turns this game has to be greater than this
ABILITY_RANGED RANGED void Ability has to be ranged
CHARACTER_ID CID (str)id1, (str)id2... Limit by character ID
CHARGING CHARGING (str)spellID OR (arr)spellIDs Is charging any of these
MATH MATH (str)expression Evaluates an expression. Variables used in math depends on where the expression is put. bvars are always included