Blogging Essentials: Top Blogging Statistics that Every New Blogger Should Know - JanyceRico/tracking-your-traffic GitHub Wiki

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Blogging is fun, but it should be done with responsibilities; this means, you have to take care of everything, including taking care of its statistics. 

Why do you need to know statistics?

Understanding the stats of your blog’s performance enables you to:

•    Know your strength and weaknesses.
•    Make new adjustments or recreate your strategies if you find your stats are not going too well.
•    Keep you in focus with your goal.

To make money blogging successful, you have to be keen in understanding every blog stat and its essentials, because if you do, according to the experts, it can:

•    Help you increase web visits
•    Help you get more repeat visits
•    Help you increase your site traffic 
•    Help you get social media followers 
•    Help you generate generous leads per week

So, as a new blog writer, here are a few blogging statistics that you should know:

1.    The traffic sources
In web analytics, the traffic source is a system that provides you an overview of various kinds of traffic sources that are usually sent to your website. When tracking your traffic, you have to understand the following sources:

•    The direct traffic – This type of traffic accumulates when a web user directly types a particular URL in the search engine. 

•    The referring URLs – This type of traffic accumulates when other sites send traffic to your site; this includes, banner ads, campaign ads, and other sites that are affiliated with yours.

•    The search engines – This includes Google, Yahoo, Bing and more, creates organic and paid traffic.

2.    The bounce rate

The bounce rate explains the percentage of web visitors on your blog and leaves without going deep into the blog or reading the whole content that you have published. 

Is having a high bounce rate bad?

Yes, it is; because it could mean:

•    The quality of your blog page is low
•    It does not have anything to make the web visitors stay longer
•    Your readers do not get what they were looking for
•    The web visitors have found other resources

If you find your bounce rate high, you have to do something to avoid losing your loyal audience. There are best blog plugins that can help you improve your web designs. Also, there are writing tips that can help you create more valuable and powerful content. 

3.    The site overlay

The site overlay is a stat that accumulates when your site’s visitor clicks a particular area on your blog. In other words, it tells you where your web visitor clicks when they are exploring your blogsite. The importance of this stat enables you to understand what holds your visitors to click some of your important content on your blog.

Final Thoughts

There are more stats that you need to know if you want to succeed in a competitive industry. Also, if you find your stats are going down, you have to do something to keep and sustain your site like writing valuable content. Additionally, if your stat is at an advantage, do not stop from being innovative because the world of internet is dynamic.

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