Model classes - JannikArndt/Canal GitHub Wiki

CANAL Model Classes

CobolFile   (a real life COBOL file)
├── Name    (filename without extension)
├── Text    (original file content)
├── FileReference   (info about the file, such as:)
│   ├── ProgramName
│   ├── FileExtension
│   ├── Directory
│   ├── FilePath
│   ├── CobolFile    (link to parent)
│   └── ReferencedIn (list of procedures that call this file)
├── CobolTree        (semantic view of the file contents)
|   |
│   ├── IdentificationDivision
│   |   └── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
│   |
│   ├── EnvironmentDivision
│   |   └── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
│   |
│   ├── DataDivision
|   |   ├── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
│   |   ├── WorkingStorageSection
│   |   |   └── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
│   |   └── LinkageSection
│   |       └── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
│   |
│   └── ProcedureDivision
|       ├── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
|       |
|       └── Sections (list of all SECTIONs in the PROCEDURE DIVISION)
|           ├── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
|           |
|           └── Procedures (list of all PROCEDUREs in the SECTION)
|               ├── StartIndex, EndIndex (first and last character)
|               ├── PerformReferences   (all procedures that are performed from this procedure)
|               ├── GoToReferences      (all procedures that are jumped to from this procedure)
|               ├── IsReferencedBy      (all other procedures referencing this procedure via PERFORM or GO TO)
|               ├── CallReferences      (all programs that are called within this procedure)
|               └── VariableUsages      (all variables in this procedure to how they are used)
├── CopyReferences        (list of all files that are references via COPY-Statement)
├── DivisionsAndSection   (contains the character index of all divisions and sections)
└── Variables             (dictionary of all variables)
    ├── VariableLevel
    ├── VariableName
    ├── Picture (PIC X, PIC 9, ...)
    ├── Variables (children)
    ├── Redefines (references another variable)
    ├── Occurs
    ├── Offset (in bytes)
    ├── ByteLength
    ├── ParentVariable (reference to parent)
    ├── CopyReference (reference to the file where this variable is defined)
    ├── Index (character where variable is defined, for sorting)
    ├── VariableDefinition (string representation)
    └── Root (goes up the hierarchy to find 01 or 77 element)


Util.CobolFileBuilder => CobolFile
Util.TextUtil.FindDivisions => DivisionAndSectionFlags
Util.VariablesUtil.AnalyzeVariables => ConcurrentDictionary<string, Variable>