Troubleshooting - JaneliaSciComp/Neuroptikon GitHub Wiki

Known issues

The following issues are known to exist in the 0.9.9 release:

Issue Workaround Status
On Windows the "Path Routing" layout progress dialog does not automatically close after layout is complete. Click the Close button once the progress meter is full. Open
Setting the shape of an object with zero width, height or depth can sometimes leave a window in a non-closeable state. The application must be force quit after saving all other open networks. Fixed for the 1.0 release
Sometimes text labels show up as solid blocks Switch to 2D or 3D viewing and then back. Open
Sometimes the animated flow does not appear on connections. Switch to 2D or 3D viewing and then back. Open
? Try turning off "Line Smoothing" in the Settings/Preferences and re-opening any networks. ?
The path routing layout fails to route to objects nested inside regions. None Open

See the issue tracker for the complete list of known issues and feature requests. (The old issue tracker is located here)