Neuroptikon Scripting Interface Shortcut Keys - JaneliaSciComp/Neuroptikon GitHub Wiki
Key bindings:
Home Go to the beginning of the command or line.
Shift+Home Select to the beginning of the command or line.
Shift+End Select to the end of the line.
End Go to the end of the line.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text, removing prompts.
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy selected text, retaining prompts.
Alt+C Copy to the clipboard, including prefixed prompts.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste and run multiple commands from clipboard.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Retrieve Previous History item.
Alt+P Retrieve Previous History item.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Retrieve Next History item.
Alt+N Retrieve Next History item.
Shift+Up Arrow Insert Previous History item.
Shift+Down Arrow Insert Next History item.
F8 Command-completion of History item. (Type a few characters of a previous command and press F8.)
Ctrl+Enter Insert new line into multiline command.
Ctrl+] Increase font size.
Ctrl+[ Decrease font size.
Ctrl+= Default font size.
Ctrl-Space Show Auto Completion.
Ctrl-Alt-Space Show Call Tip.
Shift+Enter Complete Text from History.
Ctrl+F Search
F3 Search next
Ctrl+H "hide" lines containing selection / "unhide"
F12 on/off "free-edit" mode