Neuroptikon Menus - JaneliaSciComp/Neuroptikon GitHub Wiki
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Show Region Names
Displays the names of regions as overlays in the visualization. *On by default.
Show Neuron Names
Displays the names of neurons as overlays in the visualization.
Show Neuron Names On Selection
Displays the names of neurons as overlays in the visualization when they are selected.
Print Neuron Names On Selection
Prints the names of the neurons selected to the console.
Hide Unselected Neurons On Selection
When a something is selected, all neurons that are not connected to that object are hidden and cannot be selected.
Floats Labels On Top
Labels appear above all other objects in the visualization. *On by default.
Show Flow of Information
Animates flow of information from neurons to objects.
Use Ghosting
Decreases opacity of unselected objects. *On by default.
Hide Synapses On Connections
This mode hides synapse connections. They will not be part of the layout either. *On by default.