Data Structures - JanSharp/JanSharpsGuiLibrary GitHub Wiki


This defines a GuiClassInst. In the end this will get converted to a GuiClassInst.

  type = string, -- see basic-class-names.lua

  children = nil | {
    -- before LuaGuiElement.add(...) get's called, this table
    -- will be removed from the GuiClassInstDefinition.
    -- this is to make dealing with circular references easier
    -- (basically don't worry about them inside children).

    -- afterwards, for every item
    -- add_child_definition(parent, child) will be called.
    -- where parent = inst
    -- and child = the respective GuiClassInstChildDefinition

  elem_mods = nil | {
    [string] = any, -- after the inst.elem has been created, for every
    ... -- item in this list inst.elem[key] = value will be executed
  style_mods = nil | {
    [string] = any, -- just like elem_mods, but for

  [any] = any,
  -- this table will be passed to the LuaGuiElement.add(...) function
  -- so any parameters dependent on the type will be used by the api
  -- every other key-value pair will also persist in the GuiClassInst


This defines a child of an inst.

  class_name = string,
  name = nil | string,
  parent_pass_count = nil | integer,

  -- every continuous integer key starting at 1 ascending
  -- will be passed to GuiClass.create(...) in that order


Instance of a GuiClass. Gets created using a GuiClassInstDefinition.

All GuiClassInsts are stored in factorio's global. They are the only data structure stored in said gobal.

  class_name = string,
  name = nil | string,
  parent = nil | GuiClassInst,
  children = {
    [string] = GuiClassInst, -- all named children
    [integer] = GuiClassInst, -- all unnamed children
  elem = LuaGuiElement,

  [string] = GuiClassInst, -- all named children

  [any] = any,
  -- everything that was in the GuiClassinstDefinition
  -- plus the "passed_data", which is the optional second
  -- return value of GuiClass.create(...)

  <metatable> = GuiClass, -- the class of the inst


A definition for a GuiClass (which it will turn into when registered).

Relevant references:

  class_name = string, -- unique
  create = function(...) ->
    (GuiClassInstDefinition, nil | {[any] = any, ...}),
  -- called whenever a new instance of the class gets created
  -- the second return value simply contains data that
  -- will end up in the GuiClassInst.
  -- this is required whenever a value cannot be passed to
  -- the LuaGuiElement.add function,
  -- like when having circular references

  -- the class events
  on_elem_created = function(GuiClassInst self),
  on_create = function(GuiClassInst self),
  on_destroy = function(GuiClassInst self),
  event_conditions = nil | {
    [event_name] = any | function(self) -> bool,
    -- if these are literals, they will get evaluated upon registering the class
    -- (i only see this being useful for debugging)
    -- if it is a function, the function will be called when an inst gets created
    -- if it returns true, the event handler gets subscribed, otherwise it does not

    -- these also get evaluated on_load, so make sure this is deterministic

  [event_name] = function(self, event),
  -- event handlers. on_click would be one for example

  [any] = any,
  -- you can throw anything into this table,
  -- remember it'll be a metatable for GuiClassInst s


GuiClassDefinitions get converted to GuiClasses when registered.

Relevant references:

  -- <everything that was in the GuiClassDefinition
  -- used to create the GuiClass>

  __index = GuiClass, -- self

  -- see respective functions for documentation
  add = function(parent, class_name, name, ...) -> inst, -- gui_handler.add_child
  add_definition = function(parent, child) -> inst, -- gui_handler.add_child_definition
  add_children = function(parent, children), -- gui_handler.add_children
  destroy = function(inst), -- gui_handler.destroy
  got_destroyed = function(inst), -- gui_handler.got_destroyed
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️