Coding Experience - Jamman65/Personal-Portfolio GitHub Wiki

ASP.NET C# Projects/Experience(HTML & CSS)

Over the course of my software development experience, I have developed a number of projects to enhance my skills within ASP.NET and C# such as an Expense Tracker which allows users to track all of their expenses such as income and spending habits, the application allows users to,

  • Create individual categories
  • Create new transactions
  • Add transactions to an interactive table
  • Edit or delete any categories/transactions that have been created
  • View all Income and expenses via interactive charts
  • The application automatically calculates all the incomes and expenses based on the user's input
  • All of the data is stored within an SQL Database even when the application is closed

This project has been created using ASP.NET development within Visual Studio as well as utilising my HTML and CSS experience to create a fully-fledged expense tracker for users. All of the data that is created within the categories and transactions are stored within an SQL Database and updates the application accordingly.

Expense Tracker ASP.Net App Files






SQL Database Experience

Within my ASP.NET Projects, I have made sure to develop an SQL database that stores all of the data accordingly as well as updating the data based on the user's input within the application. I have successfully connected an SQL database using Microsoft SQL Management Studio to connect to the desired ASP.NET Application. Any of the entries within the database tables can be edited or deleted upon the user's request.

Categories Database (Expense Tracker)


Transactions Database (Expense Tracker)


Web Development Experience

I have designed and developed several different web development projects using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and React. The main project I have developed is a social media website which allows users to search through stories, check messages/notifications, and change the design/theme of the website depending on the user's preferences. This project creates a framework for a fully functioning social media website. All of the files and relevant screenshots are shown below:


Within this screenshot, users can see all of their much-needed messages, stories, and posts, edit their profile and scroll through all of their friends' posts. Each message and story can be viewed within the framework as well as any notifications that the user receives. The user can also change the theme of the website to meet their preference such as changing the colour of the text, background or font size.

Link to all of the files for Social Media Website(HTML,CSS,JavaScript)

C# Experience(Game Development)

Throughout the years of my university course and my own projects, I have used C# as my main language since a lot of my projects have been developed within the Unity game engine. I have successfully implemented and scripted a variety of techniques while using C# such as

  • Realistic AI behaviour (State Machines)
  • Inventory systems with scriptable objects
  • Leveling up system for the player
  • Advanced combat system for the player
  • Boss battles
  • User Interface

The main projects where my C# experience has been tested and proven are within my team project since I was the lead programmer and project manager for the team which required me to ensure all the functionality and features met the requirements set out by the client and that they were satisfied with the final product, which required extensive testing for each functional requirement throughout the project.

Also within my personal project, I have implemented all of the features listed above and more to successfully develop a game similar to Dark Souls to test and prove my coding skills with a fully-fledged combat system with multiple attacks for each weapon, realistic and challenging enemy AI and a final boss battle.

Link to all of the C# scripts that I have developed for my personal project

Knights & Nightmares Personal Project

C++ Experience (Data Structures & Algorithms)

Over the years I have utilised C++ programming to design and develop a number of applications within visual studio such as a retail application that allows customers to view a companies inventory of products, view individual categories, register a new account within the system, add specific products to their cart and purchase all of the chosen products at the checkout. Each script that has been created for this application has been developed using C++ and techniques that I have learned over my university course. This retail application uses techniques from my Data Structures & Algorithms unit such as Linked Lists, Hash Tables and Trees to allow the customer to add products to their cart from a table and view all the categories of each product.

I have also created a C++ application that allows customers to register a new account for an online ticket system that allows an individual customer to choose a specific show, select their seat from a virtual seating plan, choose which kind of ticket they would prefer, purchase their tickets and display all of the customer's details such as ticket and seat details. This application utilises a number of programming techniques such as

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Functional Pointers
  • Inheritance
  • Overloading

C++ Projects (Retail Application and Ticket Machine)