Plugin - JamezQ/Palaver GitHub Wiki

This page is to describe how to make your own *COMMANDS*(scripts) *(note, should try to be consistent with naming. Plugin, Commands, Scripts are all used to point to the same thing here.)

Plugins consist of three files, a #1) file, an actions.dic(See #2) file and an executable(See #3).

1/ The following is an example of a

  • name = TotemPlugin (Any spaces will be removed, Music Launcher will be installed as MusicLauncher)
  • version = 1.0 (This line must be either an interger (1, 6, 10) or a float (1.1, 2.4, 4.2))
  • file = totem (The name of the file that will be called. If your plugin doesn't need a file enter NONE)
  • description = Control Totem Media Player (This is the description that will be displayed to the user before installation)
  • author = Brett Mayson (The creator of the Plugin)
  • actions = (Actions the plugin adds)(note: need better description for this)
  • dependencies = totem (This is an optional line. If added the user will be notified of any programs they need)
  • play video,plays the loaded video ("play video" is what the user says, "plays the loaded video" is what the plugin will do)
  • pause video,pauses the video if it is playing
  • next video,plays the next video in the playlist
  • previous video,plays the previous video in the playlist

2/ The following is an example of all the code that goes into the actions.dic file.

<p,P>lay <v,V>ideo
totem '--play'
<pause,POS> <v,V>ideo
totem '--pause'
<n,N>ext <v,V>ideo
totem '--next'
<p,P>revious <v,V>ideo
totem '--previous'

3/ Executable. This will be the file/binary to be run. In this example, it is "totem".

After this you should have three files:
  • actons.dic
  • And the executable (In our example this would be totem)

You can now compress them into a .tar.gz file and rename the extension to .sp

Leaving us with something like totem.sp You can see this plugin in the Example Plugins directory

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