Dictionary - JamezQ/Palaver GitHub Wiki
The syntax of a dictionary command is:
COMMAND TO RUN must be indented and must be indented with spaces and not tabs. It can be indented as much as you want, but the standard is two spaces.
Here is an example.
- how are you computer
- say "I am fine thank you"
Anything in <> is required Anything in [] is optional
Both <> and [] can have multiple choices in them,for example [dog,cat] will match dog, cat, or nothing at all.
There are two variable types "Word" and "Line".
Word is formatted like this (Word varname)
A Word matches characters until it hits a space or the end of the line,it must have something to match.
The variable can be put in the output sentence like this
Line is formatted like this (Line varname [optional stopping expression])
Without the stopping expression, it will match everything until the end of the line.
With the stopping expression, it matches everything until that expression.
That's the basics!