json - JamesWilko/Payday-2-BLT GitHub Wiki

The Payday 2 BLT makes use of JSON4Lua. You can view the full usage and documentation at the official site for JSON4Lua.

The BLT uses two versions of JSON4Lua, an up-to-date version that requires full json compliance, and an older version that does not. Encoding strings will always use the latest version, where as decoding will attempt to use the up-to-date version before attempting using the older version if the first attempt fails.

json.decode( str )

Decode a json encoded string into a Lua table.
str A json encoded string
returns A Lua table containing the decoded json data if successful

json.encode( tbl )

Encode a Lua table into a json string.
tbl Any Lua table
returns A string containing the json encoded data