QuickMenu - JamesWilko/Payday-2-BLT GitHub Wiki

An easy and quick way to display simplified menus and dialogs to the player. More advanced menus should use the official dialog implementation provided by the game.

QuickMenu:new( title, message, options, show_immediately )

Creates a QuickMenu using the provided title, message, and options and returns it as a class variable.
title The display title of the menu.
message The message to be displayed in the menu. This can be a multiline string.
options An array of options containing data to use for the options of the menu. Specifying a nil value or an empty array will create a default "OK" button.
show_immediately If this QuickMenu should pop-up immediately without requiring the menu to be stored and have show expressly called on it.
returns A QuickMenu object.

options: text The text to display on this button.
options: callback The callback to run if this button is pressed by the user.
options: is_cancel_button If this button should do nothing other than close the menu.

local menu_title = managers.localization:text("base_mod_updates_show_multiple_update_available")
local menu_message = managers.localization:text("base_mod_updates_show_multiple_update_available_message")
local menu_options = {
	[1] = {
		text = managers.localization:text("base_mod_updates_open_update_manager"),
		callback = LuaModUpdates.OpenUpdateManagerNode,
	[2] = {
		text = managers.localization:text("base_mod_updates_update_later"),
		is_cancel_button = true,
local menu = QuickMenu:new( menu_title, menu_message, menu_options )


Can also be called with QuickMenu:Show()
Displays the specified QuickMenu to the user.

local menu = QuickMenu:new( "My Title", "A test message.", {} )


Can also be called with QuickMenu:Hide()
Hides the specified QuickMenu without removing it, so that it can be shown to the user again.

local menu = QuickMenu:new( "My Title", "A test message.", {}, true )