Hooks - JamesWilko/Payday-2-BLT GitHub Wiki

Hooked functions which multiple functions can listen to, so that when the original hook is called, all functions listening to it will be called too.

Hooks:RegisterHook( hook_id )

Can also be called as Hooks:Register( hook_id )
Registers a hook, so that it may be listened to, and called at a later time.
hook_id The unique identifier of the hooked function to register.

Hooks:RegisterHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded" )

Hooks:AddHook( hook_id, id, func )

Can also be called as Hooks:Add( hook_id, id, func )
Adds a function to the specified hooked function hook_id so that the func is called when the parent hook is called.
hook_id The identifier of hook to call this function on.
id A unique identifier for this specific hooked function call, so that we may removed it later.
func A function to be ran when the parent hook hook_id is called.

Hooks:AddHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "OnMyExampleModLoaded_ExampleMod2", function()
	log("OnMyExampleModLoaded was called!")
end )

Hooks:UnregisterHook( hook_id )

Can also be called as Hooks:Unregister( hook_id )
Removes a hook, so that it will no longer call any hooked functions that have been added to it.
hook_id The unique identifier of the hooked function to unregister.

Hooks:UnregisterHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded" )

Hooks:Call( hook_id, ... )

Calls the hook with hook_id, and executes all hooked functions listening to this hook. Any arguments can be passed into the call.
hook_id The unique identifier of the hook to call its hooked functions.
... Any arquements to pass into each of the hooked function calls.

Hooks:Call( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "TestData", 1234, { 5, 6, 7, 8 } )

Hooks:ReturnCall( hook_id, ... )

Identical to Hooks:Call except will return the first non-nil value returned by a hooked function. hook_id The unique identifier of the hook to call its hooked functions.
... Any arquements to pass into each of the hooked function calls.

local r = Hooks:ReturnCall( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "TestData", 1234, { 5, 6, 7, 8 } )
do_stuff( r )

Hooks:PreHook( object, func, id, pre_call )

Automatically hooks a function to be called before the specified function on a specified object.
object The object for the pre-hook to search for the func to hook.
func A function name, as a string, on the object to be pre-hooked.
id The unique identifier for this pre-hook.
pre_call The function that should be called before func is called on object.

Hooks:PreCall( PlayerManager, "init", "TestPrePlayerManagerInit", function(ply)
	log("PlayerManager Pre-initialized")
end )

Hooks:RemovePreHook( id )

Removes the pre-hook with identifier that matches id.
id The unique identifier for the pre-hook to be removed.

Hooks:RemovePreHook( "TestPrePlayerManagerInit" )

Hooks:PostHook( object, func, id, post_call )

Automatically hooks a function to be called after the specified function on a specified object.
object The object for the post-hook to search for the func to hook.
func A function name, as a string, on the object to be post-hooked.
id The unique identifier for this post-hook.
post_call The function that should be called after func is called on object.

Hooks:Post( PlayerManager, "init", "TestPostPlayerManagerInit", function(ply)
	log("PlayerManager Post-initialized")
end )

Hooks:RemovePostHook( id )

Removes the post-hook with identifier that matches id.
id The unique identifier for the post-hook to be removed.

Hooks:RemovePostHook( "TestPostPlayerManagerInit" )