Is it important to fix a deviated septum? - JamesGarciaa/JamesGarcia GitHub Wiki

Having a deviated septum? Now wants to fix your deviated septum but don’t know whether fixing it is important or not? You can relax because here I will tell you about the importance of fixing a deviated septum. A deviated septum that causes fewer symptoms does not need treatment. Your symptoms will decide whether you need to fix your deviated septum or not. According to, a deviated septum can create breathing complications. If you have a deviated septum that does not affect your respiring and leads to a constant sinus infection, then you should leave your deviated septum alone. But if you feel hard to breathe through your nose as your deviated septum blocks one or both nostrils, you can go for fixing it or surgery.

What is a septum?

The word septum means divider. Actually, the nasal septum is the cartilage that divides or separates the right side of the nose from the left side. Naturally, it sits at the center of the nose. It starts at the passage of the nose and runs the length of the nose.

What is a deviated septum?

If your nasal septum or the thin wall between your nasal passages is displaced to one side, then a deviated septum occurs. In many people, it can be found that the nasal septum is off-centered or deviated, which makes one nasal passage smaller than the other one.

Is it important to fix a deviated septum?

If your deviated septum causes fewer symptoms, then you should leave it. But if you face severe symptoms like breathing issues and sinusitis, you have to consult a doctor. It is important to note that just because you have a deviated septum, you may not require any treatment. Especially if you are not facing any symptoms and discomfort because of it. That means your symptoms will decide what to do with your deviated septum. So first, we should know the symptoms caused by a deviated septum-

  • Feeling difficulty while breathing through the nose.
  • Mouth breathing during sleep and exercise.
  • Severe snoring.
  • Sleep apnea
  • Sinus pressure and headaches
  • Recurring sinus infections.
  • Chronic postnasal drip
  • A runny nose
  • Allergy complaints
  • Extreme nosebleeds

If your deviated septum affects your breathing while sleeping and causes sleep apnea (stop breathing during sleep), then fixing it is necessary. There are several non-invasive treatment options like nasal steroids or saline sprays, and breathe-right strips. A septoplasty (surgery to straighten the septum) is a good option for you If your symptoms don’t improve. Your doctor will suggest you a rhinoplasty (surgery to reshape the nose) if your deviated septum changes your nose’s look. This treatment will reshape your nose and improve your breathing ability. You can also fix it if you have facial pain. If your deviated septum causes nasal clogging or other symptoms like allergies or sinusitis, you can take medication instead of fixing deviated septum.


Though a deviated septum is common, it can be a serious issue as it can cause breathing problems and severe nosebleeds. If you feel nothing serious and face no problems in your everyday life, you should leave it as it is. But if you have a severe nosebleed, breathing problem through the nasal passage, then it will be good for you to fix your deviated septum. Hope this article will clear the matter about the importance of fixing a deviated septum.