Styles - JamJar00/JUI GitHub Wiki

Styles describe how components should be drawn on screen; they specify borders and backgrounds.


style_t style = (style_t){ STYLE_FULL_BORDER, BLACK, DARK_GREY }
button_create(component, style, inner_component, callback);

Predefined Styles

NO_STYLE is a blank style.

ICONMENU_BUTTON_STYLE is the built in style for buttons in Icon Menus and will draw a grey border around the button with no background.

LISTVIEW_BUTTON_STYLE is the built in style for buttons in List Views and will draw grey top and bottom borders with no background.

GRIDVIEW_BUTTON_STYLE is the built in style for buttons in Grid Views and will draw a grey border with around the button with no background.


typedef struct {
    uint8_t flags;
    uint16_t background_color;
    uint16_t border_color;
} style_t;

flags holds a number of predefined options that can be combined together using the boolean operators:

  • STYLE_NONE disables the style.
  • STYLE_BACKGROUND enables drawing of a background.
  • STYLE_TOP_BORDER enables drawing of the top border.
  • STYLE_BOTTOM_BORDER enables drawing of the bottom border.
  • STYLE_LEFT_BORDER enables drawing of the left border.
  • STYLE_RIGHT_BORDER enables drawing of the right border.
  • STYLE_FULL_BORDER enables all borders.

style_draw draws the specified style in the given rectangle.