Basic instructions - JakubSs/Energy-page GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Energy-page wiki!

I would like to add small guide, how to use this.

I recommend use every other browser than "browser" Internet explorer, because I use google tables and google graphs and its not working in IE.

When you pull this app, you have to configure it first. Create postgres database, user with password.

You will have to enter it here, into install screen. It will show, when config.php is not generated, yet. Install screen

You set db server, db user and pass, db name. You have to create first login and password, too. You can set pagination (default is 10 records for every module) and enable modules from beginning.

And click Install.

After successful installation, first load of login page remove install.php.

After successful installation, you will see Login page. Login Page

Enter username and password you entered on install page.

If login is successful, you will see default page. Default page

First table you will see, if there is enabled any module, is Statistic table.

You can always return to homepage clicking on logo.

You can logout, Change password, Edit configuration and add user without any module enabled. You can Show and add payment record, too.

As you enable modules in Edit configuration, modules will come to life. Edit config

Be advised, user passwords are stored in encrypted form after secret string was added to it. So, if you want change db data, its good to migrate user passwords first. Otherwise, you will have issue for logging.

If you want change your password, click on Change password. Enter old one and new one repeat twice. Change password

If you want to add user, click Add user, fill data and click Register. Add user

If you want to add record for spared energy, Click Add record, fill data and click Add record Add record

If you want to show payment records, click Show payment records. If you want edit one, click on button in the last column with id number of record. Show Payment records

If you want to add payment record, click on Add payment records. Form is same as one for editing. Add payment record

If you want to show statistic for some module (gas, electricity, water or hot water), click on it.For instance, on picture is statistic for gas. Statistic for gas

If you want to show graph, how spending of some module was growing during time, for instance Gas, click on Graph for gas Graph for gas

If you want to show average graph for average daily sparing, click on Average graph for Gas Average graph for gas