How to change your template libraries without effecting your objects - JakeTommas/SanJuanProjet GitHub Wiki

Right, Firstly, you will want to find all the object locations within your dz\ folders. So for example, all the industrial objects will be in DZ\structures\industrial. So you want all that information before you begin other wise you will go to import and find that some objects will be missing. Secondly you will want to write down all the names of your object layers for later reference, this may save you some headaches in case you run into issues or delete a layer by mistake.

To begin, you can see my basic airfield with all the objects in black.

You want to select all the items within that layer you want to export

Once you have them all selected right click on the layer they are within and press export.

You will then see a window like this, You want to change the settings to the same as I have them in the next screen shot below

Then press select all which will select all the objects within your layer, unless you only want to export all of your industrial objects to be on one layer and all your military objects to be on another and so on.

This will export them into a at the bottom of the page you see the destination file section. Change that to a folder where you want to export all your objects too and also remember to change the file name otherwise you will overwrite your previously exported objects. Also remember to end the filename with .txt otherwise you will have to open that file and then resave it as a .txt file which wastes time.   Once you have all your objects exported you can now delete all your template libraries you currently have and reimport them the way you want them. For example, I have my template library like this Which separates all my objects into all the folders within the DZ\ folders.

But what you do is up to you.

Now when you reimport your objects you would do it the same way you would normally the only difference is that it does not create a new layer called the name of the file. You have to have the layer open of which you want the objects placed within and that is where they will go. And it automatically assigns them to the correct template library as it calls the object name and ID instead of its template library associated ID.

If this is confusing I will try and rewrite it in a simpler format.