Bosses - JakeNeves/Eternal GitHub Wiki
Carmanite Scouter
The Carmanite Scouter is a Post-Skeletron Boss, can also be fought before Skeletron in the alternate pre-hardmode boss progression path
HP: 6000 [9000 in Expert Mode, 10000 in Hell Mode] DMG: 15 [16 in Expert Mode, 20 in Hell Mode]
Can be Summoned using the Suspicious Looking Droplet
The Fight
The Carmanite Scouter will will fly towards the player and summon a scouter eye, kill it as the carmanite scouter can't be damaged when it's alive, the carmanite scouter will also fire Carmanite Parasites that damage the player, the carmanite scouter will enrage when it's daytime by moving really fast and killing the player, similar to how Skeletron Enrages in the day.
It's recommended that you have 3-6 platform layers in the arena, this will make it easy to dodge the carmanite parasites you may also want a dashing accessory such as the Shield of Cthulhu
The Dunekeeper is a Post-Skeletron boss, can also be fought before Skeletron in the alternate pre-hardmode boss progression path (recommended that you fight the Carmaite Scouter before the dunekeeper)
HP: 9000 [12000 in Expert Mode, 24000 in Hell Mode] DMG: 5 [~6 in Expert Mode]
Can be Summoned using the Rune of Thunder
The Fight
The Dunekeeper will fly towards the player floating above, will fire lasers that electrify the player and fire hands that damage the player, when the Dunekeeper gets to below 50% health, phase 2 will begin, the Dunekeerer will charge towards the player, fire more hands and alter the way the lasers will fire.
It's recommended that you have 4 platform layers in the arena, this will make it easy to dodge the lasers and hands you may also want a jump boosting accessory such as the frog leg and/or the balloon
Incinerius is an early-Hardmode boss, that can be fought after the Wall of Flesh Recommended you have either Adamantite or Titanium Armor.
HP: 20000 [22000 in Expert Mode, 24000 in Hell Mode] DMG: 12 [14 in Expert Mode, 24 in Hell Mode]
Can be Summoned using the Relic of Inferno
The Fight
Incinerius will charge towards the player, spawn Incineration Stones that must be defeated before continuing to fight Incinerius, he will also fireballs in four directions.
It's Recommended you use your Wall of Flesh arena, and add a second layer of platforms above or below, 16 blocks apart.