Home - JakeNeves/Eternal GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Eternal Mod Wiki! (OBSOLETE)

Eternal Adds Two Pre-Hardmode Bosses, both Post-Skeletron, Ten Hardmode Bosses (One for now...), and Twenty Post-Moon Lord Bosses (One for now...) The Mod Itself is still under major W.I.P Right Now, Once we have all the Hardmode and fifteen Post-Moon Lord Bosses Implemented, the five Post-Moon Lord Bosses, is planned to be Superbosses! Which Makes a Total of Thirty Two Bosses!


Somewhere in the future, there is plans to host the Eternal mod wiki on wiki.gg, we are not sure when this will take action. We will keep you up to date when possible, when we start the process of hosting the Eternal mod's wiki onto wiki.gg!


JakeTEM (Me) - Creator/Lead Developer

Jaer Hend/Jerrhead - Spritework

Nakroxis/Atisheno - Jr. Programmer

JakeTEM's Discord Server > https://discord.gg/GJYKRBt