The Basics to Dream Maker - JakeDaBoss/Prospector-Station GitHub Wiki

What Is Dream-Maker?

Dream-Maker (.DM) is the coding language that we will be using to code for SS13, and any BYOND games. Dream-Maker also happens to be the name of the program we will be using to edit .DM Code. Wow, that was a lot less than the DM Guide. Anyways this is the DM Editor This tutorial will show you the basics to the Dream-Maker program and the basics to coding in DM.

How to open the DM interface.

First, I'm going to assume that you are using Git-Hub Desktop. If not we have a nice tutorial on here that explains in depth how to use Git-Hub desktop. Alright, Ready? Good!

  1. In Git-Hub Desktop, Click on the "open this repository". It should be near the center of the screen and in blue text. This should open to something that looks like this You there, Good.
  2. Click on the file labeled baystation12.DME. It looks like this
  3. Done, Welcome to Dream-Maker!

Not to hard eh? Now lets get your DM set up like a pro's!

Setting up your Dream-Maker

At this point, you should be here First things first, we want Dream-Maker to show us Tabs and Line numbers. This is VERY helpful when coding.

  1. Click on baystation12.dme. You should not have to open any of the folders in the program. DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING IN THIS FILE. We are using it to set up our Dream-Maker.
  2. On the top left of the screen, there should be six options that are as followed. File, Edit, Option, Build, Window, and Help. We will be choosing the options tab. there should be three options under the options tab that are as follows. Show Tabs, Show Line Numbers, and Code preferences.
  3. We want to select the Show Tabs and Show Line Numbers option. When selected they should be highlighted blue.
  4. You should now be able to see line numbers on the side of each line of code.
  5. You should now be able to see tabs, they look this
  6. To close an open file click on the X button seen here


Compiling is an important part of DM. When you compile code, Dream-Maker Checks for errors in your code, and prepares a file, getting it ready for deployment (hosting a server/testing). If your compile fails you cannot create a mergeable pull request.

  1. Remember the top six tabs we discussed earlier? File, Edit, Options, Build, Window, Help. We will be selecting "Build". Under Build Click Compile. This will start the compiling process. If this is the first time compiling, this may take a while, just be patient. It may be long every time you compile. Again just be patient.
  2. If you have any errors, These will need to be fixed before you can successfully compile. I will go more in-depth on errors in a future wiki page.
  3. If a compile is successful you should see this:
  4. After a successful compile, it is safe to commit your changes to Git-Hub, and create a Pull Request.

Testing DM Code

It is ALWAYS a good idea to test your code, but there is one problem. You don't know how. This will explain how to use Dream Daemon to test your code.

  1. Dream Daemon can be opened through BYOND. Use the settings button on the top right of the BYOND client.
  2. Under the settings, click on Start Dream Daemon. This can also be done with the Ctrl-D Shortcut.
  3. Dream Daemon should open. It will look like this:
  4. For file, navigate to where your is stored. It is where your baystation12.DME was.
  5. If you plan on using this server locally, you may set the port to whatever you want. If you plan on hosting a server, you will need to port forward a port of your choice. I have chosen port 4761. You should always set security to "Trusted". You may set the visibility to as you see fit. As a note, it is best practice to set your test and local servers to invisible or private.
  6. When ready you may press the green GO button. A quick warning. When Dream Daemon starts, It may freeze up and tell you that it is not responding. This is normal. Depending on your computer, It may take a while for this process to be completed. Just wait, it is working. When compleated you will see a yellow button with a red stop button under it. Press the yellow button to load up your game.

PM any suggestions to user @WkSavage