Map Merger. - JakeDaBoss/Prospector-Station GitHub Wiki


What Does Map Merger Tools Do?

What these do is cut down the number of lines which Dream Maker thinks have changed, since it usually interprets any change to the map as a rewrite of all ~8000 lines. This is a program that only works on Windows PCs.

How Do I Use It?

Map Merger Requires that you have Java installed on your PC. If you do not have java you can download it here:

Got it, Good.

We are now going to navigate to where you Map Merger tools are. I'm assuming you have Git-Hub Desktop? Good!

  1. Open your files from Git-Hub Desktop.
  2. Open the tool folder.
  3. Open the Mapmerge folder
  4. //BEFORE YOU MAKE CHANGES// Run the nice program called 1prepare_map.bat. Just click on it to make it work.
  5. After this make the changes to your map.
  6. Compile your map. //MAKE SURE IT COMPILES ALL THE WAY WITH NO ERRORS//. You will regret it if you don't. I know from experience.
  7. After you have a successful compile, Run the program 2Clean_map.bat. It may take up to a minute to work. Be patient, map files are kinda big.
  8. After this you may test and commit your map changes.

Need More Info? /TG/ Wiki has a nice post on map merger, Its about the same as this though :/