How To Use Git Hub Desktop - JakeDaBoss/Prospector-Station GitHub Wiki
How To Use Git-Hub
What Is Git-Hub?
Git-Hub is a web-based code hosting platform and is the platform of choice for a majority, if not all SS13 code bases. With Git-Hub, you can create, edit, and merge pull requests. It uses Git, an open source version control system. With Git-Hub, we can organize our code, keep track of revision, revert bad code. This allows developers to easily collaborate, as they can download a new version of the software, make changes, and upload the newest revision. Every developer can see these new changes, download them, and contribute.
How To Use Git
- First off, head to and download the appropriate version for your operating system. For me, that would be Windows.
- Run GitHubSetup.exe. If you are a windows user, a security warning may prompt you to run the file. Just click run.
- Follow the installation steps until finished. Once they are finished Git-Hub Desktop should appear. If not go to your desktop. Find and click the icon labeled GitHub. Not Git Shell. This Icon is pictured here:
- Git-Hub Desktop looks like this when first loaded up, minus the repositories to the side.
- To start editing with Git-Hub Desktop, we will need to add some repositories. I will be using Prospector-Station as an example.
- Go to the home page of the repository you wish to edit. In this case, the home page is
- If you have not done so already, fork the repository. Use the Fork button in the top right corner of your screen shown here:
- After the repository has forked, you will be brought to it. We will be using my fork as an example.
- To copy your fork to Git-Hub Desktop, We need to use the Clone In Desktop Button. Shown here:
- Git-Hub Desktop should now open asking you where you want the files to be stored. The default location is the Github folder in your Documents. Just leave this as is and allow it to clone to the Github folder.
- At this point, the Cloning process has begun. This may take a while depending on your internet connection. Once your files have finished downloading, you may click on the repository.
- You should be on the default branch of your repository at this point. You may switch branches using the Drop down next to master. For the latest updates from our branch, switch to development. Press the sync button at this point.
- Once the branch has been synced, we want to create a new branch. We do this for each set of changes we want to make so that all of our work stays clean and organized. Click on the fork looking icon. Name your branch, and make sure it is forked from the Development branch. After this, you can create the branch. You will need to publish your branch. Publish your branch by clicking publish, it is where the sync button would normally be.
- At this point, Git-Hub Desktop is all set up and ready for use. You may "open this repository" and start creating changes. When you are happy with your changes you fill out the details in the box on the bottom left. It is good practice to be as descriptive as possible. At this point, you can commit your change.
- After Committing, you will need to sync your repository. After Syncing, you will need to create a pull request so that the main home branch (in this case it is JakeDaBoss/Development). This is the Pull Request Button. This is how you will create Pull Requests (PR(s)) From in the Desktop App. Fill out the needed info and make sure the branch is set to the main home branch (JakeDaBoss/Development). And Send PR.
- Profit??? But really great job, you learned how to use Git-Hub desktop to push your changes to a branch of code.
For any suggestions please notify user @WkSavage