Week 4 part 2 - JakJak7/Lego2014 GitHub Wiki
Date: 24/2 2014
Duration: 14-16
Group members: Henrik, Jakob
Exercise 6:
Get the robot to follow sounds.
- First: add a second sound sensor right next to the first one, and calibrate these to ensure they read the same values.
- Make the sensors point away from each other, left and right, and get the robot to estimate the position of a sound source by looking at readings from both sensors.
Our calibration setup
From the calibration, we see that one sensor measures higher values than the other. We tried using a phone speaker to increase the volume of a static buzz noise, to get a nice, hopefully linear graph.
This difference isn't constant, and doesn't appear to be linear either. It differs from volume to volume, and it's not easy to make a function for.
The deviation is quite unpredictable. In the end we tried to even out the read values by subtracting a value from one of the sensor values, and then multiplying both by a factor to make it more sensitive to sounds.
Final build, with sensor pointing away from each other
Video of sound direction control
We managed to get the robot to follow sounds so-so. The results were highly inconsistent, and the video linked is the best attempt we had. We did the tests in a tiny room, perhaps the readings would have been better if we were in more open area, with less echoing.