RFC 6121 features - Jajcus/pyxmpp2 GitHub Wiki

RFC 6121 features sets implemented in PyXMPP2.

The 'Client' and 'Server' columns contain one of:

  • 'YES' – feature is fully supported
  • 'NO' – feature is not supported
  • 'application' – implementation of this feature is the application responsibility
  • 'partial' – feature partially implemented
  • 'N/A' – not applicable, according to the RFC
  • empty – no data

These are declarations only, not proven by any formal certifications, but they should be mostly true.

Feature Description Client Server Notes
message-body Support the <body/> child element of the <message/> stanza. YES N/A  
message-subject Support the <subject/> child element of the <message/> stanza. YES N/A  
message-thread Support the <thread/> child element of the <message/> stanza. YES N/A  
message-type-support Support reception of messages of type "normal", "chat", "groupchat", "headline", and "error". YES N/A  
message-type-deliver Appropriately deliver messages of type "normal", "chat", "groupchat", "headline", and "error". N/A NO  
presence-notype Treat a presence stanza with no 'type' attribute as indicating availability. YES    
presence-probe Send and receive presence stanzas with a 'type' attribute of "probe" for the discovery of presence information. N/A NO  
presence-sub-approval Treat an outbound presence stanza of type "subscribed" as the act of approving a presence subscription request previously received from another entity, and treat an inbound presence stanza of type "subscribed" as a subscription approval from another entity. application application  
presence-sub-cancel Treat an outbound presence stanza of type "unsubscribed" as the act of denying a subscription request received from another entity or canceling a subscription approval previously granted to another entity, and treat an inbound presence stanza of type "unsubscribed" as an subscription denial or cancellation from another entity. application application  
presence-sub-preapproval Treat an outbound presence stanza of type "subscribed" in certain circumstances as the act of pre-approving a subscription request received from another entity; this includes support for the 'approved' attribute of the <item/> element within the 'jabber:iq:roster' namespace. application application 'approved' attribute on roster item is supported
presence-sub-request Treat an outbound presence stanza of type "subscribe" as the act of requesting a subscription to the presence information of another entity, and treat an inbound presence stanza of type "subscribe" as a presence subscription request from another entity. application application  
presence-sub-unsubscribe Treat an outbound presence stanza of type "unsubscribe" as the act of unsubscribing from another entity, and treat an inbound presence stanza of type "unsubscribe" as an unsubscribe notification from another entity. application application  
presence-unavailable Treat a presence stanza with a 'type' attribute of "unavailable" as indicating lack of availability. application application  
roster-get Treat an IQ stanza of type "get" containing an empty <query/> element qualified by the 'jabber:iq:roster' namespace as a request to retrieve the roster information associated with an account on a server. YES NO  
roster-set Treat an IQ stanza of type "set" containing a <query/> element qualified by the 'jabber:iq:roster' namespace as a request to add or update the item contained in the <query/> element. YES NO  
roster-push Send a roster push to each interested resource whenever the server-side representation of the roster information materially changes, or handle such a push when received from the server. YES NO  
roster-version Treat the 'ver' attribute of the <query/> element qualified by the 'jabber:iq:roster' namespace as an identifier of the particular version of roster information being sent or received. YES NO  
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