SYS320 Week 10 Lab - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

#Storyline: View the event logs, check for a valid log, and print the results

function select_log() { cls

`#list all event logs`
`$theLogs = Get-EventLog -list | select Log`
`$theLogs | Out-Host`

`# initialize the arry to store Logs`
`$arrLog = @()`

`foreach ($tempLog in $theLogs) {`

    `#add eacg log to the array`
    `#NOTE: These are stored in the array as a hashtable in the format:`
    `# @{Log=LOGNAME}`
    `$arrLog += $tempLog`

`# Test to be sure the array is being populated`
`Write-Host $arrLog[0]`

`#Prompt the user for the log to view or quit`
`$readLog = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a log from the list above or 'q' to quit the program" `

`# Check if the user wants to quit`
`if ($readLog -match "^[qQ]$") {`

    `# Stop exe the program and close the script`


`log_check -logToSearch $readLog`


} # ends the select_log()

function log_check() {

`# String the user types within the select_log function`
`# Format the user input`
`#Example: @{Log=glassbottle}`
`$theLog = "^@{Log=" + $logToSearch + "}$"`

`# Search the array for the exact hash table string`
`if ($arrLog -match $theLog){`

    `write-host -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -ForegroundColor White "Please wait. It may take a few moments to retrieve the log entries."`
    `sleep 2`

    `view_log -logToSearch $logToSearch`

`} else {`
    `Write-Host -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White "the log specified does not exist"`

    `sleep 2`



} # ends the log_check()

function view_log() {


`# Get the Logs`
`Get-EventLog -Log $logToSearch -Newest 10 -After "1/18/2023"`

`#Pause the screen and wait til the user is ready to be proceed`
`Read-Host -Prompt "Press 'enter' when you are done."`

`# Go back to select_log`
`select_log `

} # ends the view_log()

# Run the select_log as the first function select_log