SYS 320 Week4 Lab - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki


#!/bin/bash # Jason Quiroga

# Storyline: Extract IPs from and create a firewall ruleset

# Regex to extract the networks # 5. 134. 128. 0/ 19

function create_badIPs() {

`# Pull the emerging-drop.suricata.rules file from the website and make it into the file emerging-drop.suricata.rules in the tmp directory`
`wget -O /tmp/emerging-drop.suricata.rules`

`# read the emerging-drop.suricata.rules file and organize it to create the badips.txt file`
`egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0/[0-9]{1,2}' /tmp/emerging-drop.suricata.rules | sort -u | tee badips.txt`


# Check to see if the badIPs.txt file already exists and if not download it. (DELIVERABLE 1) if [ -f badIPs.txt ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/--f-badIPs.txt--) then read -p "The badIPs.txt file already exists. Would you like to redownload it? [y][n]: " answer case "$answer" in y|Y) echo "Creating badIPs.txt..." create_badIPs ;; n|N) echo "Not redownloading badIPs.txt..." ;; *) echo "Invalid value." exit 1 ;; esac

		`echo "The badIPs.txt file does not exist yet. Downloading file..."`

# Creating switches. Based on their selection, create an inbound drop rule for the respective firewall. (DELIVERABLE 2) # Switches for IPTables (I), Cisco (C), Netscreen (N), Windows Firewall (F), and Mac OS X (M). Also Parse TargetedThreats file (P) while getopts 'icnfmp' OPTION ; do

`case "$OPTION" in`
	`i) iptables=${OPTION}`
	`c) cisco=${OPTION}`
	`f) wfirewall=${OPTION}`
	`m) macOS=${OPTION}`
	`p) parseCisco=${OPTION}`
	`*) `
		`echo "Invalid Value"`
		`exit 1`



# If iptables is input then create the iptables drop rule if [ ${iptables} ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/-${iptables}--) then for eachip in $(cat badips.txt) do echo "iptables -a input -s ${eachip} -j drop" | tee -a badips.iptables done clear echo "Created IPTables firewall drop rules in file \"badips.iptables\"" fi

# Cisco if [ ${cisco} ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/-${cisco}-) then egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0' badips.txt | tee badips.nocidr for eachip in $(cat badips.nocidr) do echo "deny ip host ${eachip} any" | tee -a done rm badips.nocidr clear echo 'Created IP Tables for firewall drop rules in file ""' fi

# Windows Firewall if [ ${wfirewall} ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/-${wfirewall}-) then egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0' badips.txt | tee badips.windowsform for eachip in $(cat badips.windowsform) do echo "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"BLOCK IP ADDRESS - ${eachip}\" dir=in action=block remoteip=${eachip}" | tee -a badips.netsh done rm badips.windowsform clear echo "Created IPTables for firewall drop rules in file \"badips.netsh\"" fi

# MacOS if [ ${macOS} ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/-${macOS}-) then echo ' scrub-anchor "*" nat-anchor "*" rdr-anchor "*" dummynet-anchor "*" anchor "*" load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"

`' | tee pf.conf`

`for eachip in $(cat badips.txt)`
	`echo "block in from ${eachip} to any" | tee -a pf.conf`
`echo "Created IP tables for firewall drop rules in file \"pf.conf\""`


# Parse Cisco if [ ${parseCisco} ](/JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal/wiki/-${parseCisco}-) then wget -O /tmp/targetedthreats.csv awk '/domain/ {print}' /tmp/targetedthreats.csv | awk -F \" '{print }' | sort -u > threats.txt echo 'class-map match-any BAD_URLS' | tee ciscothreats.txt for eachip in $(cat threats.txt) do echo "match protocol http host \"${eachip}\"" | tee -a ciscothreats.txt done rm threats.txt echo 'Cisco URL filters file successfully parsed and created at "ciscothreats.txt"' fi

I used the example code for my parse threat bash code so this does not belong to me.

Updated Menu.bash


# Storyline: Menu for AD, VPN, and Sec functions

function invalid_opt() {

echo "" echo "Invalid Option" echo "" sleep 2


function menu() {

`# clears the screen`

`echo "[1] Admin Menu"`
`echo "[2] Security Menu"`
`echo "[3] Block List Menu"`
`echo "[E]xit"`
`read -p "Please  enter a choice above: " choice`

`case "$choice" in`

    `1) admin_menu`

    `2) security_menu`

    `3) blocklist_menu`

    `E|e) exit 0`


	`# Call the Menu`


function admin_menu() {

`echo "[L]ist Running Processes"`
    `echo "[N]etwork Sockets"`
    `echo "[V]PN Menu"`
`echo "[4] Exit"`
    `read -p "Please  enter a choice above: " choice`

    `case "$choice" in`

    `L|l) ps -ef |less`
    `N|n) netstat -an --inet |less`
    `V|v) vpn_menu |less`
    `4) exit 0`



admin_menu }

function vpn_menu() {

    `echo "[A]dd a peer"`
    `echo "[D]elete a peer"`
    `echo "[B]ack to admin menu"`
`echo "[M]ain Menu"`
    `echo "[E]xit"`
    `read -p "Please  enter a choice above: " choice`

    `case "$choice" in`


	 `bash peer.bash`
	 `tail -6 wg0.conf |less`
	 `# Create a prompt for the user`
	 `# Call the manage-user.bash and pass the proper switches and arguments`
	 `# to delete the user`

        	`B|b) admin_menu`
        	`M|m) menu`
    	`E|e) exit 0`



vpn_menu }

# Creating switches. Based on their selection, create an inbound drop rule for the respective firewall. (DELIVERABLE 2) # Switches for IPTables (I), Cisco (C), Netscreen (N), Windows Firewall (F), and Mac OS X (M). Also Parse TargetedThreats file (P) function blocklist_menu() {

`# Cisco`
`echo "[C]isco"`
`echo "[W]indows Firewall"`
`echo "[M]acOS"`
`echo "[P]arse Cisco"`
`echo "[E]xit"`
`read -p "Please  enter a choice above: " choice`

`case "$choice" in`

`egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0' badips.txt | tee badips.nocidr`
`for eachip in $(cat badips.nocidr)`
	`echo "deny ip host ${eachip} any" | tee -a`
`rm badips.nocidr`
`echo 'Created IP Tables for firewall drop rules in file ""'`

`# Windows Firewall`

`egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0' badips.txt | tee badips.windowsform`
`for eachip in $(cat badips.windowsform)`
	`echo "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"BLOCK IP ADDRESS - ${eachip}\" dir=in action=block remoteip=${eachip}" | tee -a badips.netsh`
`rm badips.windowsform`
`echo "Created IPTables for firewall drop rules in file \"badips.netsh\""`

`# MacOS`

`echo '`
`scrub-anchor "*"`
`nat-anchor "*"`
`rdr-anchor "*"`
`dummynet-anchor "*"`
`anchor "*"`
`load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"`

`' | tee pf.conf`

`for eachip in $(cat badips.txt)`
	`echo "block in from ${eachip} to any" | tee -a pf.conf`
`echo "Created IP tables for firewall drop rules in file \"pf.conf\""`

`# Parse Cisco`

`wget -O /tmp/targetedthreats.csv`
`awk '/domain/ {print}' /tmp/targetedthreats.csv | awk -F \" '{print }' | sort -u > threats.txt`
`echo 'class-map match-any BAD_URLS' | tee ciscothreats.txt`
`for eachip in $(cat threats.txt)`
	`echo "match protocol http host \"${eachip}\"" | tee -a ciscothreats.txt`
`rm threats.txt`
`echo 'Cisco URL filters file successfully parsed and created at "ciscothreats.txt"'`

`E|e) exit 0`




blocklist_menu } # Call the Menu menu