SEC 440 AppLocker Lab - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Open Group Policy Management and make a new organizational unit called AppLocker:
Then make a GPO in that OU called AppLocker:
Then we edit the new GPO by going to “Computer Configuration” > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Application Control Policies > Applocker
Then right-click on Executable Rules then create default rules
It should look like this:
Then right click where the rules are and select "Create New Rule" and when we get to permissions select "deny"
Then under conditions select "Publisher"
Select Putty for this example:
As an exception to this rule I'll be using google chrome (I don't have internet explorer)
The exceptions page should look like this:
Deliverable 1:
Now we want to enter "Configure Rule Enforcement":
Now make sure the first configured box is checked and close GPO editor
Part 2
For part 2 we will want to open "Services" and we want to start application identity: