Preliminary work 4 - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

WNFC LLC Database + Webpage Capstone

This week, we took the first step toward moving this project past the research and testing phases. We contacted Furkan and the cyber crew to obtain a couple of Windows virtual machine environments in which we can begin building our webpage and database. These machines will have the same requirements as the lab environments for the classes since neither Laravel nor MySQL require much to run. Within this environment, we will start building what will eventually become the final product that we will present to Grant Patterson.

This week I concluded that it would likely be in our best interest to build upon the website that has already been created for the esports dojo (Link: What is here is a perfect foundation for what we will be building in Laravel and this way Grant will already have a basic understanding of the backend of the website and there won't need to be many changes to the bones of the website since it was created in WordPress which primarily utilizes PHP.

Currently, the website is very basic and is hosted on a single page that tells you everything you need to know about the dojo. I would like to improve upon this and make a dedicated homepage that looks similar to what is already there but make sections like the cost of the after-school program and what the dojo is about separate from the homepage. On top of that, I will be of course adding a log-in section where the Admin, Students/student parents, and general attendees can log in, and depending on which of those 3 you are it will take you to a separate section of the website so you can view your account or make edits to the website if you're an admin.

Basic diagram of the database made by Maurice:


The diagram that you see above gives you a basic idea of how each of the things will be connected and which tables the main database (personnel) will be pulling from.

We have one more meeting with Grant Patterson coming up in which we will be discussing the changes that we've made to the idea so we can finalize exactly what data he wants to be gathered from the users to make the account and what will be beneficial to the dojo. I will be making sure that only the necessary information is being gathered since this is still a relatively small-scale production and I see no need to gather any sensitive information past what is 100% needed (eg. Birthdate/age, General location, school grade, Name, etc). During this meeting, I will also have Grant give me access to the back end of the WordPress page which I will upload to our private GitHub page so we can have a copy of the original webpage if needed and so I can start working on the necessary changes of the website in Laravel. The last thing that will need to be discussed is how Grant would like the grading system for the students to work. In previous meetings he had mentioned wanting to have a grading system similar to the belt system that various martial arts utilize and I would like him to elaborate on exactly what this will look like and what information will be needed to properly determine the player's grade.

Once the meeting is held I will update this page with the notes from the meeting so all of the specifics listed above are laid out and can be referenced for later use.