Packet Tracer Lab 4 3 - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Packet Tracer Lab 4-3

##What is the use of simulation mode? The use of simulation mode is to simulate actions such as pinging and provide information and a visual of how it takes place. I used it in lab 4-3 to create a visual of the steps that Foster Laptop took to reach Skiff Server IP on the web browser.

##How do you save configurations on routers? You go into the config tab and select "save NVRAM"

##Useful tricks and info. I learned how to set the Network address for a switch by Type “interface fastEthernet 0/0 (or 0/1 when you set the other switch) Then finally type “ip address (or if configuring 0/1)” and the network addresses should be set.