Packet Tracer Lab 11 2 - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

In Packet Tracer lab 11-2 I learned the following:

In order to have systems on other VLANs connect to or ping each other, there'll have to be a router connected to a trunk port on the switch. To do this you'll have to make a trunk port (See lab 11-1 for instructions) once the trunk port is made you'll have to type the following into CLI from the switch: "config terminal", "interface FastEthernet0/4" (or any chosen FA port), "switchport trunk native vlan 10", and "switchport nonegotiate". once that is done exit and SAVE THE NVRAM. After that just connect the router to the trunk port on the switch with a cross-over cable and if done properly the different VLANs should be able to connect!