Lab 1 Database Setup - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Installing MySQL (MariaDB)

For this lab, I am using a Kali Linux machine rather than an Ubuntu Machine so I will be installing MariaDB rather than MySQL.

Installing MariaDB:

Use the following commands to install mariadb

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo systemctl status mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo mysql -u root -p


In /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf we can make the following adjustments:


And to apply these changes run sudo systemctl restart MariaDB

In /etc/mysql/debian.cnf we can find the default configs:


We can use the following to log into MariaDB:


With the USE command in MariaDB, you can select what database you wanna use.


And with the SHOW DATABASES command you can see all of the databases:


Now I'll be making a database called "registration" using the command CREATE DATABASE followed by the name of the database you want to make:


And we can change into it at anytime

We can make a table with some data in it with the commands in the screenshot bellow:


And we can insert some dummy data into the table that we made with the commands shown in this screenshot:

Deliverable 1:
