CPP Hello World - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki


int main() {

std::cout << "Hello World!";

return 0; }

How does it work?

#include is a preprocessor directive that is used in order to allow the coder to include files like "iostream" in the code. So, using #include in my code allows me to use "cout" in my code.

cout allows me to print output on my screen.

For any C++ code to work it needs to include int main() followed by { to indicate the beginning of the code. To end the code simply put a } on the final line of code.

Since this is an extremely basic code all that is needed is std::cout << "Hello World!";. std::cout allows for the text in the quotations to be printed on screen but in order for it to actually print it must be followed by << in order to indicate the end of a statement ; must be put on the end.

return 0; is the exit status of the program which just means that it is the end of the code

Don't forget!

for the code to be valid it must have } at the end

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