Ansible - JadenGil/Jaden-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Before starting any of the machines I made sure to change the network connection from WAN to LAN
I then changed the IP addresses to the following: Controller Ansible01 Ansible02
I achieved this on controller by changing the yaml config file to the following:
And I changed the hostname on controller to "controller01-jaden" by using "sudo hostnamectl set-hostname controller01-jaden
I used Nmtui on both ansible machines to set the IP and the search zones and both work as they should
I then created 4 users jaden and deployer on controller and deployer on both ansible machines
Controller user add method:
sudo useradd user
sudo passwd user
change the password
sudo usermod -aG sudo user
This creates a password protected user and gives them sudo privilages
Ansible user add method:
sudo useradd user
sudo passwd user
change the password
sudo usermod -aG wheel user
This creates a password protected user and gives them sudo privilages