Instruction Set - JacobMisirian/EphedraVM GitHub Wiki

Ephedra Instructions are 64-bit fixed length. Each Instruction has an 8-bit opcode, two 16-bit operands, and a 32-bit immediate. Here is a visual representation of an Instruction:

8 - bits 16 - bits 16 - bits 32 - bits
Opcode Operand One Operand Two Immediate

Here is a table of Instructions:

Syntax C - Code Description
dec <Rx> rx--; Decrements the value of the register.
dec <Rx>, <int> rx -= i; Subtracts the given integer from the value of the register.
inc <Rx> rx++; Increments the value of the register.
inc <Rx>, <int> rx += i; Adds the given integer to the value of the register.
jmp <lbl> goto lbl; Jumps to the given label.
jmp <int> void *ptr = (void *)i; goto *ptr; Jumps to the given memory address.
lddw <Rx>, <Ry> rx = (uint16_t *)ry; Loads a DWORD from the memory location in Ry to Rx.
lddwi <Rx>, <int> rx = (uint16_t *)i; Loads a DWORD from the specified memory address.
ldw <Rx>, <Ry> rx = (uint8_t *)ry; Loads a WORD from the memory location in Ry to Rx.
ldwi <Rx>, <int> rx = (uint8_t *)i; Loads a WORD from the specified memory address.
mov <Rx>, <Ry> rx = ry; Moves the value from Ry to Rx.
stdw <Rx>, <Ry> *p = rx; p[0] = ry; Stores the WORD from Ry into the memory location at Rx.
stdwi <int>, <Rx> *p = i; p[0] = rx; Stores the WORD from Rx into the specified memory address.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️