Setting up Modding Environment (IntelliJ) - Jacob1225/pufferfish-minecraft-mod GitHub Wiki
Note: Steps shown were done on Windows 10. Setup on other operating systems may differ. This installation guide is for Forge 1.16.5 - 36.2.20. It uses Java JDK 1.8u311 and IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3.2. If errors occur, check if you have other versions of Java JDK installed (they may conflict). Perform a clean installation of all software.
Step 1: Install Java JDK
- Minecraft 1.16.x runs on Java JDK 1.8. Download and install jdk-8u311. (Default installation is acceptable)
- Need to set path to JDK 1.8. Start Menu > (Search) Edit the system environment variables > Advanced > Environment Variables... > Select the variable called 'Path' under the System variables table > Edit... > New > (Type file location of installed JDK 1.8) C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311\bin > OK
Step 2: Install IntelliJ IDE
- Download and install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.3.2. (Default installation is acceptable. NOTE: DO NOT CHECK 'Add "bin" folder to the PATH')
Step 3: Download mod project folder
- See GitHub repository for the latest mod version
Step 4: Build mod with Gradle
- Open IntelliJ for the first time and select Projects > Open > (Find the build.gradle file in the mod directory) Example: .../pufferfish-minecraft-mod/teamPufferFish/build.gradle > OK > Open as Project > Trust Project The builds could take a couple minutes.
What a successful build should look like:
- Expand the Gradle tab on the top right side of the screen and navigate to teamPufferFish > Tasks > fg_runs > genIntellijRuns (Double-click to execute)
What a successful build should look like:
Step 5: Run mod
- Double-click 'runClient' in the same Gradle tab to launch Minecraft Forge 1.12.x with mods. ENJOY!