Connected Elements Self Evaluation - Jacob1225/pufferfish-minecraft-mod GitHub Wiki

Connected Elements - Final Remarks

Overall, we would give ourselves an Exceeds Expectations in this area. We were able to have a flawless work-flow without any major hold-ups. We were able to maintain great communication between members/roles with close to no conflicts. Our tracking and communication tools were all used thoroughly to maintain maximal efficiency.

Improvements since Demo 1:

The speed at which we were developing became a lot faster simply because we chose to update each other directly after finishing a task on discord. That way, no one was waiting until the respective next meeting to get started on their tasks that depend on others' tasks being done.

Potential Improvements

We could have implemented a system that shows the connection of the individual tasks to each other. This way, whenever a task is complete, the person responsible can easily see, and directly message the people involved rather than messaging everyone and potentially drowning out other important previous messages.