Milestone X ‐ FOG - Jacob-Mayotte/SYS480 GitHub Wiki

Note: This is an older lab we are bringing back this time around that used to be implemented after Milestone 4. Since we finished with a strong pace, I’m bringing this lab back towards the end to ease the landing towards the end. This should be pretty easy for you compared to recent labs, and also only has pre-req of Milestone 4.


  1. Download minimum rocky 8 linux iso:


Once downloaded upload the file to our datastore via ESXi

  1. Create a new VM, 2 CPU, 2GB RAM, and add a 2nd hard disk drive in the VM options *(this disk is important for this milestone!):



When you finally boot up activate the connection in nmtui:


  1. Install OpenSSH Server, disable IPv6


Commands run on rocky8 VM:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
rpm -qa | grep openssh-server
sudo dnf install openssh-server
sudo systemctl enable sshd
sudo systemctl start sshd
sudo systemctl status sshd


  1. Power down, detach ISO, snapshot for FOG Base
  • Use edit settings to detach the ISO
  • SNapshot named Base:


  1. Using your PowerCLI scripts and TechJournal you built for Milestones 4.2 & 4.3, create a new linked clone from your Rocky Base and name it “FOG”

Use your ./480driver script or the /.linkedcloner.ps1 script to complete this step, name it FOG

Fog Installation Tasks

  1. create a fog sudo user:
sudo useradd fog
sudo passed fog 
sudo usermod -aG wheel fog
su - fog
  1. name the host (fog):


  1. static IP of (can use another if this is taken in your environment):
  • Use nmtui to set the network address on FOG:


  1. Add A and PTR records for your fog server:


  1. Configure the second disk (see demo):

Cmds from Devin:

fdisk /dev/sdb
fdisk -l
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
  • add this line the /etc/fstab file:


  • mount -a




6. Adjust SELinux - permissive or off, and allow FOG needed services through firewall:
7. Install FOG (this may take some time, fog installer is slow, be patient!):
  • Two steps above are completed by watching/running the fog installer, watch devy dogs video!

Image Capture Tasks:

*From ~3m - Xm of the video, Devin will overview some PowerCLI basics, we’ve already done this so you can skip around as needed after the first 3 minutes
*~18:25m in the video, Devin powers off too early when capturing, don’t make this mistake if you’re following step-by-step!
*At the end, Devin notes that we will do this with another OS (other than xubuntu), that’s not the case, do this lab with xubuntu as the capture target and deployed OS.
  1. Configure options 66 & 67 for DHCP on your DC1 (not your Blue DC, remember this was originally done before any of the Blue network was created)


  • on dc1 not blue-dc
  1. From your xubuntu base image, Create a linked image of xubuntu-base called xubuntu-capture-target

Use xubuntu mgmt and the linked cloner script


Firmware settings:


  1. Deploy your image to xubuntu-deploy





Once we create the task renboot the capture target and it should start capturing the image of the VM.


  • Vm was captured!

Deliverables 1-3