Milestone 6 ‐ Blue Network and vyos Provisioning with Ansible - Jacob-Mayotte/SYS480 GitHub Wiki

💡The intersection between Virtual Machine Automation and Physical Networking is interesting. How do you provision a system that is meant to be on another network? We will use a combination of PowerCLI to control the network the virtual machines are on and Ansible to adjust the actual virtual machine OS settings. Automating the vyos router is not an easy task to start with but it is the logical one before we configure the Blue network

Milestone 6.1: BlueX Networking


Add a new function (e.g. called New-Network) that creates a Virtual Switch and Portgroup

function new_Network {
    try {
        # Prompt the user for the new network name
        $netName = Read-Host -Prompt "Please Enter the new Network name"

        # Create the switch
        New-VirtualSwitch -Name $netName -VMHost $conf.esxi_host -ErrorAction Stop

        # Create the port group
        New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $netName -VirtualSwitch $netName -ErrorAction Stop

        Write-Host "Network '$netName' created successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red


Add a new function (e.g. called Get-IP) to get the IP, vm name and MAC address from the first interface of a named VM.

function Get-IP 
    try {
        # Prompt user to select a VM
        $selectedVM = Select-VM -folderName $conf.vm_folder
        if ($selectedVM) {
            # Get the first network adapter of the selected VM
            $networkAdapter = $selectedVM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Select-Object -First 1

            if ($networkAdapter) {
                # Get the IP, VM name, and MAC address
                $ipAddress = $selectedVM.Guest.IPAddress[0]
                $macAddress = $networkAdapter.MacAddress

                # Debug info
                Write-Host "VM Name: $($selectedVM.Name)"
                Write-Host "IP Address: $ipAddress"
                Write-Host "MAC Address: $macAddress"
            } else 
                Write-Host "No network adapter found for VM '$($selectedVM.Name)'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } catch 
        Write-Host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red



Show the two new functions... well functioning!

  • Run the New-Network function, show new network in GUI
  • Run Get-IP, explain headache of issue here. Code works for some VM's while it wont for others.

Milestone 6.2: blueX-fw &more util functions

Deliverable 2: This was easy. I just ran my driver file and created a new VM named: Blue1-FW

Deliverable 3: Create a utility function within 480-utils.ps1 that will start a VM or VMs with by name. Add functions to start and stop VMs. Used a switch statement:

function manage_Power
        # Prompt user to select a VM
        $selectedVM = Select-VM -folderName $conf.vm_folder

        if ($selectedVM) {
            # Prompt user to select a power operation
            $powerOperation = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the power operation (start, stop, restart)"

            # Perform the power operation based on the user input
            switch ($powerOperation) {
                "start" {
                    Start-VM -VM $selectedVM -Confirm:$false
                    Write-Host "VM '$($selectedVM.Name)' started successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
                "stop" {
                    Stop-VM -VM $selectedVM -Confirm:$false
                    Write-Host "VM '$($selectedVM.Name)' stopped successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
                "restart" {
                    Restart-VM -VM $selectedVM -Confirm:$false
                    Write-Host "VM '$($selectedVM.Name)' restarted successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
                default {
                    Write-Host "Invalid power operation. Please enter a valid operation (start, stop, restart)." -ForegroundColor Red
    } catch 
        Write-Host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red


Deliverable 4: Create a utility function called Set-Network within 480-utils.ps1 that sets a virtual machine network adapter to the network of your choice. Add a function (e.g. Called Set-Network) that lets you set the network on the different interfaces on a VM.

function Set-Network 
        # Prompt user to select a VM
        $selectedVM = Select-VM -folderName $conf.vm_folder

        if ($selectedVM) 
            # retrieves the list of available virtual networks
            $virtualNetworks = Get-VirtualNetwork

            # Display the listr of virtual networks to the user
            Write-Host "Available Virtual Networks:" $virtualNetworks | Format-Table -Property Name
            # Prompt user to select a virtual network
            $selectedNetwork = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the name of the virtual network to set"

            # Check if the selected network exists
            if ($virtualNetworks.Name -contains $selectedNetwork) 
                # Get the network adapter settings of the selected VM
                $networkAdapters = $selectedVM | Get-NetworkAdapter

                # Display the list of network adapters to user
                Write-Host "Available Network Adapters for $($selectedVM.Name):"
                $networkAdapters | Format-Table -Property Name, NetworkName

                # Promept user to select a network adapter
                Write-Host "Select the network adapter by its index:"
                # Loop through network adapters and display them with their index
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $networkAdapters.Count; $i++) 
                # Display the network adapter name and network name with their index
                    Write-Host "[$($i + 1)] $($networkAdapters[$i].Name) - $($networkAdapters[$i].NetworkName)"
                # Prompts the user to enter the index number of the network adapter to set
                $selectedAdapterIndex = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the index number of the network adapter to set"

                # Check if the input is a valid number and within the range of available adapters (RegEx string match - used earlier in the script)
                if ($selectedAdapterIndex -match '^\d+$' -and $selectedAdapterIndex -ge 1 -and $selectedAdapterIndex -le $networkAdapters.Count) 
                    # Get the network adapter object based on the selected index
                    $selectedAdapter = $networkAdapters[$selectedAdapterIndex - 1]

                    # Set the network adapter to the selected virtual network
                    Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter $selectedAdapter -NetworkName $selectedNetwork
                    Write-Host "Network adapter '$($selectedAdapter.Name)' on VM '$($selectedVM.Name)' set to '$selectedNetwork' successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
                } else 
                    Write-Host "Invalid index. Please enter a valid index between 1 and $($networkAdapters.Count)." -ForegroundColor Red
            } else 
                Write-Host "Virtual network '$selectedNetwork' not found." -ForegroundColor Red
    } catch 
        Write-Host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red



  • Create a linked clone from Vyos VM, then create a new VM called: FW-Blue1
  • Sets a virtual machine network adapter to the network of your choice - In your video, demonstrate this against the internal eth1 interface on fw-blue1.
  • Show the power function!

Miletsone 6.3: Ansible Ping

Fortunately Devin provides a lot for this milestone:

Using the install guide from: I installed Ansible

sudo apt install sshpass python3-paramiko git
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
ansible --version
cat >> ~/.ansible.cfg << EOF                                                               
host_key_checking = false

I was really stumped here until I spoke to Ryan. I was confused because we did not have a vyos machine in place at this point, but after speaking w/ Peers/Ryan it became clear that I was supposed to create a new VM and just uppload the Vyos ISO to it. Then I would create a base image of the new vyos machine.

Vyos machine info:

  • Hostname: 480-fw-vyos

  • Default creds: Username: vyos Password: vyos

  • Followed Devin's Video

  • Okay to really break this down for myself because I learned a ton here. I created a new vyos fw vm, completely new and then created a base snapshot/base vm. This is just a template to use for other future vyos fw's. Since I have a base vyos fw now I can create a linked clone. We use the linkedcloner.ps1 file to create said linked vyos clone. I did this and created the new usable vyos fw: fw-blue. I need to run my script against this VM so I can set the network and show the power function in action.

Execution of new Set_Network:


Checking fw-blue networking info with the new Get-IP function:


Now since the vyos-fw fw-blue is on the correct network I tested the ansible ping, to do this I did the following:

Ansible Ping on fw-blue

  1. Created the directory SYS480 and the file fw1-blue1-vars.txt.
  2. File contents: NOTE! The IP info was gathered via my Get-IP function, then the rest of the file was structured from Devins video.
[vyos] hostname=fw-blue mac=00:50:56:bf:7a:45 wan_ip= lan_ip= network= nameserver= gateway=

  1. Review of structure:


  1. Now open a bash terminal and execute the ping with our inventory file:


ansible vyos -m ping -i fw-blue1-vars.txt --user vyos --ask-pass


  1. Now navigate to vSphere and create a new snapshot called: before-ansible on fw-blue


  1. From here I moved onto the vyos configurations

Milestone 6.4: vyos config's

For the VyOS configuration, I followed Devins's video and worked with Max B. Max and I broke down this last milestone into a few parts:

  1. Create directory structure like Devin:


  1. Run show config on your fw-blue VM. Copy the output and create a config.boot.j2 file with it. This is a jinja template, but to completely make it a jinja template I had to change the variables to match the contents of fw-blue1-vars.txt. So the config.boot.j2 ended up looking like this:
interfaces {
    ethernet eth0 {
        address {{ wan_ip }}/24
    ethernet eth1 {
        address {{ lan_ip }}/24
    loopback lo {
nat {
    source {
        rule 10 {
            outbound-interface eth0
            source {
                address {{ lan }}
            translation {
                address masquerade
protocols {
    static {
        route {
            next-hop {{ gateway }} {
service {
    dns {
        forwarding {
            allow-from {{ lan }}/24
            listen-address {{ lan_ip }}
    ssh {
system {
    config-management {
        commit-revisions 100
    conntrack {
        modules {
    console {
        device ttyS0 {
            speed 115200
    host-name {{ hostname }}
    login {
        user vyos {
            authentication {
                encrypted-password {{ password_hash }}
    name-server {{ nameserver }}
    ntp {
        server {
        server {
        server {
    syslog {
        global {
            facility all {
                level info
            facility protocols {
                level debug
  1. Now create the vyos-config.yml file:
- name: vyos network config
  hosts: vyos

  - name: password
    prompt: Enter your new vyos password
    private: true
    - name: Set the password hash fact
        password_hash: "{{ password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
    - name: load vyos config from template
      become: yes
        src: /home/jacob/SYS480/ansible/files/vyos/config.boot.j2
        dest: /config/config.boot
        mode: "0775"
        owner: root
        group: vyattacfg
    - name: bounce and end
      become: yes
      shell: nohup bash -c "/usr/bin/sleep 10 && /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now" &
  1. Test the playbook with the following command: ansible-playbook -i inventories/fw-blue1-vars.txt --user vyos --ask-pass vyos-config.yml

Expected output:


  • Since the playbook changes the networking addresses on the VyOS VM the SSH connection was closed, the IP changed. So now when you return to the powershell session you can see this reflected when you run Get-IP function:


