Milestone 3 ‐ vCenter - Jacob-Mayotte/SYS480 GitHub Wiki

💡Milestone 1 and 2 should be completed, we are going to augment our architecture further by deploying vCenter and adding our esxi host to it.

Mount the ISO:

So this step should be straightforward according to the video but I ran into an unexpected issue, the VM would not recognize the ISO file. I THOUGHT until I met with Ryan during office hours and received assistance on running the installer through the CLI:

  • sudo mkdir /tmp/vcsaiso // creates
  • Sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /tmp/vcsaiso // mounts the ISO9660 file system, from the "/dev/cdrom" device to the "/tmp/vcsaiso" directory.
  • ls /tmp/vcsaiso/ // should show:


  • ./installer // run this from the /tmp/vcsaiso/vsca-ui-installer/lin64 directory , executes centers GUI installer:


vCenter install:

  1. Press Deploy vCenter Server
  2. Accept the end-user license agreement
  3. Server Deployment Target: IP will be your esxi address, port: 443, with the creds you use to log into esxi


  1. Set up vCenter Server VM:
  • Vm name: vcenter
  • set your password
  1. Deployment Size:
  • Keep the defaults.
  1. Datastore:
  • select what ya got, since I only have one that is what I clicked
  • Enable thin disk mode
  1. Configure network settings:


  1. Run the installer.

vCenter set-up: Once the deployment of the vCenter server is finished we can proceed.

  1. Press continue
  2. vCenter server Config:
  • Time sync mode: Sync with the NTP servers
  • NTP servers:
  • SSH stays deactivated
  1. SSO Configuration:
  • SSO Domain: vsphere.local
  • SSO username: default
  • SSO PW: set it
  1. Configure CEIP:
  • Uncheck CEIP
  1. Ready to complete:



  • When the installer is finished it will provide a link, something like this: http://vcenter.jacob.local click on it and it will bring you to the web GUI of vCenter.


Datacenter creation:

  1. Right click the vcenter.jacob.local tab and select create new datacenter:


  1. Now right click and select add new host:


  • esxi IP used here
  1. Okay just like in the video leave the rest of these settings as default:


  1. WooHooooo!


Deliverable video: