English - JachinShen/jachinshen.github.io GitHub Wiki

  • take the plunge informal

    1. commit oneself to a course of action about which one is nervous similiar commit oneself, go for it, do the deed, throw caution to the wind(s), risk it
  • Woops inter.

    1. Whoops: You say 'Whoops' to indicate that there has been a slight accident or mistake, or to apologize to someone for it.
  • tidbit n.

    1. a small piece of interesting information, or a small dish of pleasant-tasting food
  • Recursive adj.

    1. pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly
    2. Mathematics, Computers. pertaining to or using the mathematical process of recursion

    Recursion occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type.

  • utility n.(pl. utilities)

    1. the state or quality of being useful; usefulness:

    This chemical has no utility as an agricultural fertilizer.

    1. something useful; a useful thing.
    2. a public service, as a telephone or electric-light system, a streetcar or railroad line, or the like.
    3. Often, utilities. a useful or advantageous factor or feature:

    the relative utilities of a religious or a secular education.

    1. Economics. the capacity of a commodity or a service to satisfy some human want.
    2. the principle and end of utilitarian ethics; well-being or happiness;that which is conductive to the happiness and well-being of the greatest number.
    3. Computers.utility program.
      • system software used to perform standard operations, as sorting data or copying data from one file to another, for application programs or other system software.