Meeting Agenda 1 - Jaber-Al-Siam/Online_Courier_Service_Management GitHub Wiki

Date: 02-July-2021

Location: Google Meet

Information Updates/Reminders

  • The next 6-8 weeks, we are going to work on a courier management project.
  • Everyone should be able to use GitHub, GitHub wikis, Trello, Slack.
  • We need to open a repository in Github.

Decision Needed

  • What will we make as our project.
  • In which programming language will we work.
  • Which framework will we use.

General Items

  • We need to create a Trello board for our project. We found the Kanban template of the Trello board useful. One of us needs to create and invite other team members to the Trello board.
  • We need to create a workspace in Slack. All the discussions related to our project will take place in Slack. Again someone needs to create a Slack workspace and invite other team members.
  • We will also need a GitHub repository. One of our team members will create a repository in Github and invite the rest of the team members.
  • We need to assign one/two team members to research coding standards. They should come up with at least 1/2 coding standards.
  • We also need to assign one/two team members to check the documentation tool. They should develop at least 1/2 tools (with a summary of the usage, advantages, and disadvantages) for source code-level documentation.