Extended Use Case - Jaber-Al-Siam/Online_Courier_Service_Management GitHub Wiki

Title: Login

Actor: User


  1. users view the login page.


  1. Handling unregistered users & redirecting them to the register page.


  1. Users have a device with internet connectivity.
  2. Users are registered.


  1. Successful: User login to the site.
  2. Unsuccessful: Due to network error or internet connectivity, users, Admin, Delivery agent are unable to log in.
  3. Exception: Redirect the unregistered users to the register page.

Title: Register

Actor: User


  1. User has to input, Name, Gender, Phone Number, Address, valid e-mail address, and Password
  2. The password should contain more than 6 characters.
  3. Password should be a strong password
  4. Store new data.


  1. Internet connection error.
  2. Wrong Provide email Address.
  3. Gap of filling up the form.


  1. Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: The account has been created successfully.
  2. Unsuccessful: Internet connection error or user has not filled up all the information or Wrong Provide email Address.
  3. Exception: Reaming on the same page.

Title: Users can Book parcel

Actor: User


  1. User can book his particular parcel.
  2. After successfully booking the parcel he will be able to get a confirmation mail of his booking.


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Booking parcel successfully done
  2. Unsuccessful: Booking parcel faces error please check internet connection
  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title: Update parcel status

Actor: Delivery Agent, User


  1. Delivery Agent can update the status of the delivery time of a particular parcel.
  2. After successfully update the status of the delivery time of a particular parcel. The customer will be able to get a confirmation mail of his booking.


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Delivery Agent, Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. Delivery Agent, User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. Delivery Agent, User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. Delivery Agent, User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Update parcel status successfully done
  2. Unsuccessful: Update parcel status faces error please check internet connection
  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title:Report Issue

Actor: User


  1. User can send their objection messages
  2. Users can chat with us about any query.


  1. If Internet connection error.
  2. Remaining on a blank page.


  1. Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Message successfully delivered to our admin
  2. Unsuccessful: Message is not sent please try again
  3. Exception: When Internet connection error.

Title: Order Track

Actor: Admin, Delivery Agent, User


  1. Admin, Delivery Agent, User can view the order updates in the order track view site.
  2. Admin, Delivery Agent can edit the view page. .


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Admin, Delivery Agent, Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. Admin, Delivery Agent, User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. Admin, Delivery Agent, User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. Admin, Delivery Agent, User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Admin, delivery agent can edit the page and user can view the updates.

  2. Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffic, Admin can’t post and edit the page, as well as user, can’t be able to see.

  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title: Calculate Parcel cost

Actor: Admin,User


  1. User can view the cost calculated view page
  2. Admin can view the cost calculated view page.


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Admin, Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. Admin, User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. Admin, User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. Admin, User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Users can make payments
  2. Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffic, users can’t pay.
  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title: Assign Delivery Agent

Actor: Admin, Delivery Agent


  1. Delivery Agent can view the latest assigning delivery agent post.
  2. Admin can view and edit the assigned delivery agent view page.


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Admin, Delivery Agent must have an Internet connection.
  2. Admin, Delivery Agent will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. Admin, Delivery Agent is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. Admin, Delivery Agent must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Admin can post and edit the page and Delivery Agent can view the assigning latest post.

  2. Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffic, Admin can’t post and edit the page, as well as a delivery agent, can’t be able to see.

  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title: post job

Actor: Admin


  1. Users can view the latest post job post.
  2. Admin can view and edit the post job view page.


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Admin must have an Internet connection.
  2. Admin will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. Admin is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. Admin must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Admin can post and edit the page.

  2. Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffic, Admin can’t post and edit the page.

  3. Exception: Internet connection error.

Title: User can log out



  1. Users can logout from the application
  2. Next time will have to login again


  1. Stay on a blank page.
  2. Internet connection error.


  1. Users must have an Internet connection.
  2. User will have an Android phone or laptop or pc or tab.
  3. User is familiar with different apps and knows their functions.
  4. User must be able to read and write English.

Post Conditions:

  1. Successful: Logout successfully done
  2. Unsuccessful: Logout error please checks internet connection
  3. Exception: Internet connection error.
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