XercerDocumentation - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Apache’s Xerces is an XML validation tool that compares one or multiple given XML files against a Schema and outputs any discrepancies between the two. You can download Xerces at http://xml.apache.org/.
To run Xerces, you must first open a MS-DOS window and set its classpath like so:
SET CLASSPATH=.;C:\Project\Xerces\xerces-2_5_0\xml-apis.jar;C:\Project\Xerces\xerces-2_5_0\xercesImpl.jar;C:\Project\Xerces\xerces-2_5_0\xercesSamples.jar
You can then run it by entering the following:
java dom.ASBuilder -f -a CSMSCHEMAV2.xml -i RATest11.csm
java dom.ASBuilder -f -a CSMSCHEMAV2.xml -i RATest*.csm
java dom.ASBuilder -f -a CSMSCHEMAV2.xml -i RATest11.csm RATest12.csm
-- Yuliya Khomich? - 14 Apr 2006