Quick Eclipse Facts - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
- When moving a class from one package to another, the code is refactored automatically. All references are changed.
- However, plugin.xml doesn't get updated with the new reference.
- After creating the default XML editor plug-in and trying to open an existing file, it get a nice "ERROR" displayed in the editor pane. Seems the default editor is better :)
- eclipse saves the absolute path of the recent workspaces in configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.prefs.
- sample editors require you to open a file into a project; they do nothing otherwise.
- GEF and Eclipse versions MUST match.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 11 Jan 2005
- Eclipse doesn't include any visual editor by default, but you can get one here: Visual Editor Project
- The Team > Synchronize with Repository option in eclipse seems to do exactly the same thing as Turtoise CVS + WinMerge
- Don't forget to add GEF in your plugin.xml dependencies if you want to use it in your code after
- After a LOT of trial and error I managed to display gef and draw2d
in the list of package that can be included... Anyone know how to do
this without a lot of luck???
- Same problem here -- Main.DanielAmyot - 16 Jan 2005
- (Copy/paste from the GEF FAQ) Can I develop a standalone GEF
application without use of the Eclipse platform? The official answer
is No, this is not supported. The main reason involves the use of an
Eclipse-specific file titled plugin.properties which GEF uses for
string externalizations. However, since GEF is an open source
project, modifications to the GEF codebase could potentially allow a
GEF editor external to Eclipse.
- So this seems to eliminate the option to do a Rich Client Application
-- Main.EtienneTremblay - 13 Jan 2005
- To view API of installed framework: Help -> Help Contents -> [Plugin] Guide -> Reference -> API specs.
-- Main.JordanMcManus - 16 Jan 2005
- NEVER EVER try to modify an EMF model if someone else has modified it without updating from CVS first. When synchronized via CVS, tons of conflicts arise and many are hard to resolve. For example, the autogenerated code numbers all classes in a diagram. Therefore, the merger of both codes introduce duplicate ids which are hard to resolve.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 16 Feb 2005