MilestoneTwo - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
by Olivier Clift-Noël
Jean-Philippe Daigle Jason
Kealey Jordan
McManus Etienne
Tremblay -- Team
Work presented to Dr. Liam Peyton for the software engineering capstone project
University of Ottawa February 18th, 2005
For our software engineering capstone project, we are developing jUCMNav, an Eclipse Plug-in to edit and to navigate Use Case Maps. The existing tool for manipulating this visual notation is not portable, is far form being user friendly, and has become unmaintainable. This document aims to define the project's requirements and features for jUCMNav. In order to refine these requirements, we have also produced the system's high level architecture, user scenarios, user interface mockups, file formats and defined the main algorithms.
Note that this document assumes basic knowledge of Eclipse terminology, and defining these words is outside the scope of our documentation effort. See for more information.
We have agreed to fulfill these requirements during the course of our project: <table width="900" border=0><tr><td> META\:FORM.*name\=.*FormForReq;[S]tatus.*value\=.*([A]pproved|[S]tarted|[I]mplemented|[C]ompleted);[I]mportance.*value\=.*([M]andatory);[P]riority.*value\=.*([U]rgent|[M]edium) </td></tr></table>
The following requirements are also mandatory for jUCMNav but not within the scope of our project. It would be appreciated if we implemented these requirements but this could also be done in future projects (extending ours): <table width="900" border=0><tr><td> META\:FORM.*name\=.*FormForReq;[S]tatus.*value\=.*([A]pproved|[S]tarted|[I]mplemented|[C]ompleted);[I]mportance.*value\=.*([M]andatory);[P]riority.*value\=.*([L]ow) </td></tr></table>
We have agreed to complete these requirements if time permits and they are relatively simple to implement, once our structure is in place.
<table width="900" border=0><tr><td> META\:FORM.*name\=.*FormForReq;[S]tatus.*value\=.*([A]pproved|[S]tarted|[I]mplemented|[C]ompleted);[I]mportance.*value\=.*([O]ptional) </td></tr></table>
We will take into consideration the following requirements and goals into consideration while designing the system, as they might impact some of our decisions. However, our efforts in this direction will not be evaluated. <table width="900" border=0><tr><td> META\:FORM.*name\=.*FormForReq;[S]tatus.*value\=.*([A]pproved|[S]tarted|[I]mplemented|[C]ompleted);[I]mportance.*value\=.*([F]uture) </td></tr></table>
Throughout this report, you will see examples referring to The Pizza UCM. As we are building the new version of an existing tool, we are fortunate to have access to a library of existing Use Case Map models. The ideas embodied in them and their representation within the current tool will serve as a proving ground for our implementation.
This UCM, describing pizza ordering and preparation, is to be used as a concrete example for proof of concept screenshots and sample designs. Specifically, the contents of the pizza UCM will be used to explain the different views offered by our application, illustrate the use of an editor window, and explain file formats.
The Pizza UCM:
As a single-user graph editing application, our use cases need only consider a single actor: an end user editing UCMs.
The astute reader will notice not all requirements are addressed by this collection of use cases - indeed, only high and medium priority requirements marked as MANDATORY are considered, as most OPTIONAL and FUTURE requirements are likely to only be relevant in future versions. Still, some of these have been included where clearly appropriate. Additionally, to prevent explosion of complexity, only main use cases defining core functionality are included in the current section.
(Note that * will be used to indicate OPTIONAL or FUTURE requirements)
Addressing: ReqOpen, ReqOpenOldDTD*
- A project is open in the Package Explorer, and it contains at least one UCM diagram. No UCMs are currently loaded in editors.
- The UCM Eclipse perspective is loaded.
- User double-clicks on UCMFILENAME.UCM in the Package Explorer
- System opens the UCM in a new tabbed editor, focusing on the first tab (first diagram) in the file.
- May offer the chance to switch to the UCM perspective if it is not already opened.
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Addressing: ReqSave, ReqSaveAs, ReqSaveSchema
- A UCM file is open in an editor and its model contains unsaved changes.
- The UCM's editor is the currently active editor.
Steps: * User clicks the save button in the main Eclipse workbench toolbar. * System saves the UCM to disk and grays out the save button.
- Keyboard accelerators for this action are provided. (CTRL+S)
Addressing: ReqExportBitmap, ReqExportSVG**, ReqExportEPS**
- A project is open in the Package Explorer, and it contains at least one UCM diagram.
- File is either closed or open with no unsaved changes.
- User pulls up the context menu for a UCM diagram in the project.
- User selects Export.
- jUCMNav presents a menu of export destinations.
- User selects UCM Graphic Export.
- jUCMNav presents a wizard for exporting as a vector or raster graphics format.
- User selects appropriate options and clicks Finish.
- jUCMNav saves the UCM's diagram(s) as graphics file(s).
- Export action also available from the Workbench's File menu, and then applies to currently active UCM.
- A project is open in the Package Explorer.
- User pulls up the context menu for the project in the Package Explorer.
- User selects
New > Use Case Map
- jUCMNav shows a wizard page asking for the diagram's name, description and location.
- User inputs UCM name and clicks Finish.
- jUCMNav creates a blank UCM file in the project, and opens it a new editor pane.
- Action also available from the Workbench's File menu.
The following use cases all involve modification of an existing diagram in a UCM file.
Common preconditions:
- A project is open, active and contains at least one UCM file.
- UCM file is open in the current editor, with one diagram focused.
Applies to all UCM elements, defined here to prevent duplication.
Addressing: ReqSelectAll, ReqSelectGroup, ReqSelectGroupDelete, ReqSelectGroupMove, ReqSelectSingle, ReqSelectUnselectAll, ReqSelectUnselectOne
Selection steps:
- User clicks on an element in the currently active editor tab.
- System selects element and changes its color to indicate selected state.
Multi-Selection steps:
- User ctrl+clicks on an unselected element in the currently active editor tab.
- System adds element to current selection and changes its color to indicate selected state.
Deselection steps:
- User clicks anywhere on the edit area background.
- System deselects all selected elements.
- Additional ways of achieving element selection: click an element in the UCM's outline view.
- Additional ways of achieving deselection: "Unselect all" action.
- Additional ways of achieving deselection of a single element in a group: ctrl+click that element again.
- Additional ways of achieving multiple selection: Drawing a selection box around elements.
- Additional ways of achieving multiple selection: "Select all" action.
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Addressing: ReqElem(.*)
- Create / edit a path
Creation steps:
- User selects path node creation tool.
- User clicks in drawing area.
- jUCMNav creates a start point where the user clicked.
- The user moves his cursor to somewhere else, seeing a line connecting his cursor with the previous point.
- The user clicks
- jUCMNav adds an empty point where the user last clicked.
- The process is repeated until the user right clicks or presses escape.
- jUCMNav replaces the last empty point with an end point.
Edition steps:
- The user clicks on node, holds the mouse button down and moves it elsewhere on the map.
- Create and Edit responsibility
- Create and Edit timer
- Create and Edit wait
- Create and Edit static stub
- Create and Edit dynamic stub
- Create and Edit abort
- Create and Edit and fork
- Create and Edit or fork
- Create and Edit and join
- Create and Edit or join
- Create and Edit failure point
- Create and Edit timestamp
Creation Steps:
- User selects and right-clicks on a single empty point and selects the 'add $ELEM' action, where $ELEM is the responsibility, static stub, dynamic stub, etc. to be added.
- jUCMNav creates a new instance of that element at the pointer position.
- When added, some path elements must be linked to multiple paths. If this is the case with $ELEM, a short path is created in order to ensure the validity of the use case map.
Editing Steps (changing a property):
- User selects an element.
- User edits a property in the element's property page.
- jUCMNav applies the new property value to the element's display in the editor.
Editing Steps (moving an element):
- User selects an element.
- User drags the element to a new position.
- jUCMNav updates the display to show the element at the drop position.
- Create and Edit component
- Create and Edit process, team and others (out of scope)
Creation Steps:
- User drags an element from the toolbox to the editor area.
- jUCMNav creates a new instance of that element at the drop position.
Editing Steps (changing a property):
- User selects an element.
- User edits a property in the element's property page.
- jUCMNav applies the new property value to the element's display in the editor.
Editing Steps (moving an element):
- User selects an element.
- User drags the element to a new position.
- jUCMNav updates the display to show the element at the drop position.
Addressing:Req Select Group Delete, Req Elem(.*)
- User selects element to delete (see 'Select / Deselect element' use case).
- User presses DELETE key.
- System deletes element from the model and removes it from the view.
- Additional way of achieving element deletion: "Delete" action in element contextual menu.
To prevent introduction of errors during development of future iterations, we will establish a set of automated tests relying on testing repeatability of sending known sets of commands on a UCM model, and checking the resulting model against expected values. This sample map (or maps) and scenarios for testing have yet to be defined (details will be available in the timeframe of M3 & QA reports), but will consist in the simplest UCM showing off all implemented features of the editor.
Not everything can be automated away however, and some amount of human-computer interaction will be necessary to test that the interface indeed behaves as required. This will be facilitated by the current availability of the old UCMNav application, which provides a base model for allowable operations and what must be supported to build Use Case Maps.
The software must be usable by experienced software developers. Therefore, we're not looking for extreme simplicity by the means of dozens of wizards. We're looking for a uniform way of manipulating the Use Case Map metamodel that follows the Eclipse user interface guidelines. We must make the tool as usable as possible without sacrificing efficiency. We will be carefully planning and reviewing the sequence of actions that the user must perform in order to get his job done. As a team who had no experience with the old tool nor the Use Case Map notation, we will share the perspective of novice users. Main.DanielAmyot will ensure that our tool respects the efficiency requirements.
Our application must be easily extensible and maintainable. In order to achieve this goal, we will follow the architecture enforced by Eclipse, GEF and EMF. Our documentation of the high level architecture of the system will help new developers quickly target what portions of the code they need to update. Hence, the Eclipse plugin and extension point architecture will speed up future development but there is still a price to pay. Developers who are not familiar with Eclipse (like us at the start of this project) will have to surmount the steep Eclipse learning curve before being able to contribute efficiently to the application. We will also use coding and commenting standards to help share our knowledge to future developers and to speed up their learning process. Code reviews will help ensure we have followed our standards and will help increase code clarity.
We must document how we extend our system so that future developers can repeat the same process. Specific operations will be listed for common tasks such as adding new path elements.
High Level Architecture The choice of Eclipse as our development platform will play a big role in laying out the architecture. The main architectural decision is to use the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) and the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). Here we can see a deployment diagram of all the components that will guide our architectural choices:
Figure 1: Deployment diagram
This view of our application is a very high level one but it gives a very clear picture of the project.
We have agreed with our client that we will be designing and implementing a graphical editor for the UCM (Use Case Maps) notation. Most of the design and implementation will focus on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern so the core decisions will be based on this pattern. The GEF and EMF frameworks are built using several other useful patterns such as factory, proxy, iterator, chain of responsibility, and command that will also guide us. Furthermore, our client has specified a list of goals that probably will not manifest themselves in the implementation, but might affect architectural decisions.
It is not quite clear yet what meta-model we will be working with. Our client has a great deal of experience with the UCM notation and will be actively involved in the model design (that is, if he does not design the whole meta-model himself, based on previous drafts). In the mean time, we have drafted a class diagram describing a simplified meta-model:
Figure 2: Model Diagram
Since we’re using EMF for the code generation of the meta-model, all the code is automatically generated to allow the MVC controllers to listen for model changes. This makes our job a lot easier with respect to managing notifications between the objects. EMF generates default notification types that can be interpreted by our controller to change the view to represent the new model changes.
GEF provides some guidelines about the model that we should respect:
- The model stores all data that may be edited or viewed by the user. This means that we have to store even data about the visualisation of the model too. For example bounds or coordinates of a figure. We are still trying to figure out if we want to put all this in the same model or separate the view model and the real business model in our model representation.
- Provide ways of persisting the model. We have to make sure that when the editor is closed by the user, our model can be saved and reopened to restore the model afterwards.
- The model must remain ignorant of the view or the controller. So the model can never store reference to edit parts, editor etc. Such reference would ruin the MVC pattern and could potentially break the editor as well, because of inactive figures.
- Provide a way for others to listen to changes in your model. This is done with the EMF model in our case. All the EMF generated classes implements the Notifier interface that can notify listener of a model change.
Each part of the model that has a visual representation in our editor should have a controller that listens to model changes and to visual representation changes (to update the model). Controllers in GEF are called EditParts. EditParts are associated with a model element and listen to all the changes from this part of the model. The EditPart does not really know how to change the model; it delegates this task to edit policies. EditParts receive requests. For example, the user wants to create a new object in the editor. A high level "create request" is sent to the parent EditPart of the editor. The EditPart also does not know how to handle this so it delegates it to the appropriate registered edit policy that knows how to handle such requests. The edit policy is then asked to generate a command which is able to perform the required request. In this particular case, a create command. Commands are stacked when executed so the undo/redo mechanism is already in place for us. All we have to do is ensure that all model changes reside a Command class and create the commands with edit policies. Each command should keep some information for undoing the change made on the model. Commands should not know the existence of EditParts and editors. Commands only know about the model and how to change it to meet some criteria.
The beauty of a model view controller pattern is that all the changes made on the model are reflected automatically on all the editors viewing this particular model. This way we can have multiple pages opened on the same model but all pages will stay synchronized with the model because of our application of the pattern. There is only one command stack for a particular input, so this implies that even if we change the model in a particular page and we go in another page and press undo, the model will be changed back to the right state.
The best way to explain the view is with an interaction diagram describing exactly what is happening behind the scenes when the user interacts with the jUCMNav. For the purpose of an example, we will observe what is happening with GEF when the user wants to move a UCM responsibility element in the editor (the view).
This is a really high level description of what is really happening internally when the user drags a figure around in the editor.
In this example, the user tries to move a responsibility in the editor. First of all, the editor notifies the responsibility’s EditPart that the responsibility moved in the view. The EditPart then delegates this request to the right edit policy. An edit policy is the entity that knows how to handle a certain type of request. In this case, this is a move request. So the layout edit policy generates a move command. As explained before, commands in GEF are the only object that can really modify the model, that way the user can undo/redo his actions. Then, the move command modifies the x and y variables of the responsibility instance. Since the responsibility’s EditPart is registered on this instance as an observer, the EditPart is notified right away of the change made in the model. So now the EditPart knows that it has to refresh the visuals in the view (the editor) because the model changed. So it only updates the view parts that really need to be updated; like the links between this responsibility and other nodes in the UCM graph.
The actual editor window will simply be a tabbed blank canvas on which the Use Case Map is drawn and manipulated.
As our tool will be used to modify files that contain multiple Use Case Map diagrams, we obviously need to discuss the persistence format. During the early phases of development, we will be storing our files in XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) format. Version 2.0 of this standard, defined by the Object Management Group, is implemented by EMF, the model framework that we will be using. Therefore, our first format for object persistence will be in XMI 2.0.
In the future, our model will be persisted using XML, following the URN 1.0 DTD and files saved according to the UCM 0.23 DTD should be readable as well. However, as these are optional for our project, we will not provide the details of these formats.
This is what our pizza mockup current looks like in XMI: <font size=1>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<network:Network xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:network="http:///network.ecore">
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Many requirements can be easily handled by the frameworks we are using (GEF and EMF). When reading the description of a requirement, it may seem like it would require an implementation of an algorithm, but in fact all we need to do is extend a few classes in the framework. For example, all the GUI work is handled by the GEF framework.
There are also many small algorithms that we will not describe here. For example, since GEF uses the Command pattern to provide undo/redo capabilities, we will need to implement execute(), undo() and redo() methods for each of these commands. These methods are essentially implementations of algorithms, but the descriptions of these algorithms follow naturally from the description of their requirements.
Req Goal Well Formed UCM : jUCMNav is INTENDED to ensure that only well-formed UCMs will be constructed.
This does not need an implementation of an algorithm because of the way jUCMNav will be built. The user will never be allowed to construct an ill-formed UCM. If a new element must be on a path and it is not positioned on one, we'll create the shortest path possible to accommodate this new element.
Many requirements discuss opening, saving or exporting the model in XMI, XML following a DTD, BMP, JPEG, SVG, and even EPS. These requirements imply many complex algorithms. However, the scope of our project is limited to the formats for which the algorithms are already implemented for us: XMI, BMP, JPEG. Hopefully, we will have time to tackle the other formats but a discussion of their algorithms is too premature for the moment.
In conclusion, our system is not algorithm based. Because we are developing extensions and not complex algorithms, we have the opportunity to setup a truly iterative development process.