MilestoneSixProjectSummary - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
This section provides an overview of the project and its evolution over the seven months from planning to deployment.
UCMNav, which stands for Use Case Map Navigator, is a tool written in C++ allowing the editing and exploring of Use Case Map models (UCM). The UCM notation is currently undergoing standardisation within ITU-T. The current version requires an X Window server, the XForms libraries and a Unix variant (Solaris, Linux, and Windows/Cygwin are supported).
The program presents several problems. Developed as a prototype, it has greatly evolved over the years, mostly in an ad-hoc manner, and is now impossible to maintain. In addition, the user interface is not very friendly. As this is the only UCM editor available, its deficiencies are slowing down the adoption of the notation.
Our project aims to fulfill the following goals:
- Break away from dependencies on XForms and X Window servers. 2. Re-architect the system with an eye towards maintainability. 3. Provide a user friendly interface to aid the adoption of the tool and the notation.
We are very glad to note that in this particular project, our requirements and objectives were extremely stable and quite well defined in advance. This is tremendously important for success, and the only truly significant changes to mention is that we decided fairly early on to drop the requirement to read / write our output files using the URN DTD under development by our client. Though certainly not an insurmountable task, writing the converter to map this unstable DTD to our model was seen as a task that might potentially take so long it would delay other, more important and visible feature points.
We therefore decided to save Use Case Maps by serializing the model as XMI, and future development will include writing the I/O layer that will convert to and from the upcoming URN DTD.
The high-level deployment of the system is as follows. This chart was created at the beginning of the project and still completely describes our external dependencies and deployment. However, with the very recent release of Eclipse 3.1, and new versions of GEF and EMF, we will probably be making a few changes in the near future to support this new "gold standard" as an installation platform.
<img src="/twiki/pub/ProjetSEG/MilestoneThree/proposition_UseCases.png" alt="deployment diagram (high level)">
We firmly believe we have met the goals we had set out at the start of the project, and in some respects exceeded them as well. Major success points to mention include:
- Addressing user experience goals: Our software conforms, where appropriate, to the standard Eclipse user interface guidelines. We have incorporated user feedback into our user experience design and have aligned our tool's behaviour with expected behaviour from other modelling tools. The tool is much more user friendly than the original UCMNav.
- Development tools: our development team is able to compile the system, generate documentation, and compile installer files for distribution with a single command. Builds are also compiled automatically on every commit.
- The software allows easy creation and exchange of UCM files; files are stored as text (XML) and are easy to checkin to a revision control system and to compare using diff tools embedded in Eclipse.
- Maintenance is greatly simplified, adding new features is fast and quite easy. We are able to respond to enhancement requests from users much faster than possible with the old UCMNav tool.
- The tool uses a URN metamodel and can be extended to support the full URN notation (i.e., the GRL language and links between GRL and UCM elements).
- Informally, we can state that the architecture 'feels' cleaner than the implementation we are replacing. More formal metrics can be found by referring to our published QA reports.
- Users are happy to see that our software runs under every platform supported by Eclipse: GNU/Linux, MacOS X, and Microsoft Windows have been successfully tested, and the tool is expected to be usable under Solaris as well.
- Key aspects of our design and processes are documented and publicly viewable. Anyone can setup an account on the developer wiki and modify topics.
- This application is highly likely to see some use in an academic setting, for instance in software engineering courses.
- A forthcoming article, jUCMNav: une nouvelle plateforme ouverte pour l'édition et l'analyse de modèles UCM, summarising the design choices and development of jUCMNav, was accepted for publication at NOTERE 2005.
- Nearly from the beginning of development, we have been using
CruiseControl to handle
automatic building of our source code and running our automated test
suite. Though the advantages are numerous, we have experienced a
peculiar number of problems related to our CruiseControl
- File ACL problems led to hard-to-track issues occuring when the scripts were running under CruiseControl, and were not reproducible when running by hand.
- Our installed version of CruiseControl seems to have some reliability issues, and has a tendency to silently stop its compiling queue.
- In at least one instance, our checked-out version of the project used by CruiseControl got corrupted (CVS housekeeping files went missing). Investigation never revealed exactly what had happened and the problem was irreproducible.
- We have benefited immensely from relying on a mature underlying
platform for graphics, user interaction and command execution.
However, bugs in our platform and dependencies have been a pain
point on several occasions:
- The graphical saving functions we call are implemented by the platform and have presented some color flipping / palette issues under Linux.
- Some on-screen SWT widgets have presented a few irregular behaviours under Linux, leading to crashes only on this platform. We had to implement workarounds for these bugs.
- Complicated architecture
- GEF is quite complex to learn and neophytes can easily get scared away from development until they have mastered the basics.
- Early prototypes using GEF were very difficult to get up and running.
- Quality control
- Defining automated tests for a graphical editor is not the simplest of tasks. When unaware of the architecture of an application built with GEF, one defines tests that often end up testing the framework instead of the new code.
- Running a PDE (Plugin Development Environment) test suite from the command line (for integration with build scripts) proved very challenging, and documentation was not readily available.
- Keeping up to date: Eclipse provides a facility for updating plugins
online, with wizards that make installation easy for even the most
novice users. Producing an automatically updated update site for our
plugin, however, is a challenging undertaking (and still in
progress). This is due to a few facts:
- Available documentation is aimed at beginners and glosses over more technical aspects (ie: versioning schemes, archive internal layouts). A precise layout of the plugin JAR files must be required, but the specifications of what constitutes a compliant archive file are not known in detail.
- Allowable formats for versioning plugins are seemingly undocumented. Even worse, there are inconsistencies between what the core application will accept as valid version identifiers and what the update wizards will parse correctly.
- The recommended archive layout has changed for Eclipse 3.1 (recently released), and we will be updating to conform to the new, more user-friendly standards.
General lessons to be learned are that any new libraries or platforms should be thoroughly tested before relying on them too much. We have also learned that it is absolutely crucial that all members of a development team start working on the development of the architecture at the same time, and early on, otherwise the learning curve can be daunting and seriously hampering progress.
Let us adopt a less verbose style and go through a short list in point form, for maximum chance of being read by future developers:
- Keep improving the deployment and update story; easy installs will drive adoption.
- Be familiar with GEF, EMF and the subset of the URN metamodel in use.
- Keep project up to date with new stable releases of GEF, EMF and the Eclipse Platform. A reasonable way to do this would be to create a stable branch each time a core dependency is updated and keep the trunk synced with the latest versions of core dependencies.
- Be wary of creating several small, fine-grained commands that do
almost the same thing. Experience shows that building a 'chunkier'
command that handles the same action for several different cases is
- Using Compound Commands is even better.
- Always think about other operating systems, especially when writing scripts.
- Windows developers: NEVER use Windows paths (C:\blabla\), the Eclipse platform provides classes to abstract away platform-specific path styles.
-- Main.JeanPhilippeDaigle - 10 Jul 2005